12. When You Kiss For The First Time

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After a few minutes, Pein slowly lets go of the hug. His eyes were staring at yours, it was truly captivating. It felt like he was drawing you in.

"I can't take it anymore.", He murmured.

Before you could reply, he cupped your cheeks and placed his lips on yours. His cold, hard piercings making you shudder slightly.

The kiss was gentle at first, but then, it started to get quite rough. He was applying more force, but it didn't really upset you though.

His lips were quite chapped and tasted like...orange juice?

You immediately pulled away, touching your lips. Just moments ago, he was apologizing about his behavior and right now, the both of you were slightly panting after sharing a rough kiss.

Pein distances himself from you as he fixes his collar. You just gaped at him, not believing what just happened.

After smoothing out the creases on his cloak, his eyes landed on you. Your thoughts started to get cloudy as a faint blush slowly crept on your cheeks, what was this? Is this because he kissed you?


You looked up to him and for the first time, he was smiling. The mysterious leader of the most feared organization just kissed you and was smiling, "I'll see you tomorrow.", He said.

Pein walked over to you and kissed your forehead. Minutes later, you heard the door close.

You exhaled deeply and sauntered to the kitchen so you could drink a glass of water, "He's so good.", You muttered, blushing furiously.


Everything was silent once again.

You could literally hear your heart pounding against your chest. You weren't sure on how to respond to him but for some reason, you were kinda happy.

"Sasori, Are you serious about this?", You whispered.

He got up from his seat and faced you eye to eye, this made you sit up straight. The gap between your faces were small, you could his breath fanning on you.

"I don't want to have regrets and just slap me later or whatever.", He said out of the blue, changing the subject.

He soon closes the gap as he presses his lips on yours. Your eyes grew wide at his boldness and how his lips weren't that hard at all.

He bit your lower lip which made you jolt up in your seat and slightly open your mouth. He grinned and lets his tongue in without warning you.

Your body stiffened at first but soon relaxed afterwards. You flutter your eyes closed and enjoyed it instead. The faint scent of wood and perfume which was on him slightly turned you on.

This continued for a few more minutes before he finally pulled away, a string of saliva hanging between your mouths. He slumped back to the seat beside you and crossed his arms.

This should've angered you, however, your body grew weak. Your face was hotter than an oven so you turned away for a minute and tried to calm yourself.

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