19. When You Confess To Him

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"Come in.", Pein said as you slowly opened the door to his office. You walked inside and shut the door behind. Today is the day that you've finally decided to confess and return the feelings that he has for you.

Pein stood up from his seat and approached you since your feet felt like they're glued to the ground. You didn't know that it was this hard. Out of the blue, You remembered his confession and the kiss. A faint pink blush soon appeared on your face so you glared at the ground, hoping that Pein won't see it.

"Why did you want to see me?", he asked in a low voice.

Gulping harshly, You lifted your head and stared at his ringed-eyes. You opened your mouth to speak but unfortunately, not a single word came out. You were just too nervous. Pein was quite confused, but after a few minutes, his expression changed. He glared at your lips for a few seconds and slowly leaned in.

"Wait! Before you do that...", You yelled all of a sudden, making him take a step backwards.

"What is it then, Y/N?"

"I-I...", Your jaw was stuttering because of the nervousness. This is harder than you imagined. You shut your eyes and took a deep breath, hoping that it would calm you down. Sadly, it didn't help in the slightest bit.

This is embarrassing. You couldn't believe that you're so vulnerable right now just because you're about to confess your feelings. Moments later, all the nervousness left your body when you felt a pair of lips pressed against yours. Pein soon pulled away and tucked a stray strand of hair behind you ear.

"Now what is it that you wanted to tell me?", Pein asked curiously.

You gazed at him for a few good minutes and said, "I love you."

Upon hearing those three words, you could say that he was extremely happy though he's trying to contain himself. He turned away for a minute and cleared his throat before facing you again. His face is as red as Sasori's hair; he's actually blushing.

"I love you too, Y/N."


It was supposed to be a regular day wherein the both of you are peacefully working on your puppets. Sadly, the opposite just happened. There were moments when you'd lose your composure and panic which was so unlike you. You'd often create more mistakes than usual, making Sasori worried and slightly annoyed as well.

"Are you sick or what?", Sasori asked all of a sudden.

"What are you talking about? I'm perfectly fine.", You replied as the right arm of your puppet falls off and its head afterwards.

The redhead glared at the puppet's head for a few seconds then released a sigh. "Okay, so what's bothering you?", He inquired.

Not wanting to tell him about your feelings yet, you shrugged your shoulders and picked up the puppet parts. You resumed working, hoping that the conversation is over after answering his question. You were doing your best to stay focused but thought of confessing your love to Sasori is really bothering you.

"No! Stop it, you bastard!", You yelled aloud while slamming both of your fists on the table, making Sasori flinch. The comment was directed to yourself since you were really upset.

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