17. When You Do Something Nice For Him

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Pein eventually forgave you and apologized as well for getting angry. And now that the both of you are on good terms, everything was back to normal.

But recently, you noticed how tired and stressed out he is. Well, handling a village and running an organization at the same time is difficult.

"I want to do something nice for him.", You huffed as you kicked a stray pebble.

It's been a while since you've been outside. You were roaming around the forest while looking for the suspicious people nearby just as Pein said so. It's been an hour and since there was literally no one in the forest, you climbed up a tree and rested.

Pein's been working too much these past few days and while you were thinking of doing things for him, you realized that you know little to nothing about him. Well, he did tell you about the six paths already however, you have no knowledge on his likes and dislikes.

"What could I do?", You mumbled to yourself.

An idea soon popped into your head so you gathered all of your materials and rushed back to the hideout. When you arrived, you immediately barged into Pein's office. He raised an eyebrow, wondering why you were back so soon.

You gave him a small smile and walked behind his desk, "What are you trying to do?", He bemused. He was seated on his office chair and you were just standing right behind him.

Placing your hands on his head, you began massaging and playing with his hair. Bewilderment was written all over Pein, he still had no idea why you were playing with his hair. He peered over his shoulder and gave you a perplexed look.

"Isn't this some kind of stress reliever?", You queried.

He sighed, "Why are you doing this?"

He probably doesn't appreciate you doing that to him which is why you stopped, "Well, You look tired and restless that's why I thought that you could use a little help.", You informed him.

Out of the blue, he pulled you onto his lap and began embracing you. He rested his head on your shoulder and closed his eyes for a few seconds. Your cheeks started to burn as if it was on fire, this was really unexpected.

"I know this is improper but trust me, I'll feel much better.", He whispered into your ear. "Thank you."


After a week, Sasori was finally back to his mean, old self. Although he's quite insensitive, it's much better seeing him that way than him ignoring you for weeks.

You were staying in your room, trying to make a little peace offering for the short-tempered puppeteer of Akatsuki. Five hours went by and you finally finished making your little gift.

"He better appreciate this.", You said as you examined the miniature puppet you crafted for Sasori. A huge smile made its way to your face, you really loved the way it turned out to be.

Excited, you dashed out of your room and went to Sasori's room. And as you were about to knock, the door to his room suddenly swung wide open. Sasori tipped his head to the side, wondering why you were standing outside of his room.

"What are you doing here?"He grumbled.

You rolled your eyes, not appreciating his remark. Pushing him aside, you entered his room and sat on his bed. "I've got something for you.", You uttered.

"Just give it next time, I've got some business to attend to.", He replied dryly.

He's such an obnoxious person! Sasori walked away, leaving the door to his room open. Frustrated, you hurled your chakra strings and brought him back to the room. And in just a few seconds, Sasori was back in his room with a scowl on his face.

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