16. When He Gets Mad At You

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It's been days already and Pein still wouldn't acknowledge you as his "friend". Right now, he's treating you as his subordinate, which you actually are.

It's just strange for him to treat you like how he treats the other Akatsuki members. He scolds you whenever you create a mistake, even if it was just an accident.

He'd also give you cold shoulder whenever you try to talk informally to him or crack a joke like you used to do. Just what exactly happened to your relationship with him?

Are you nothing to him right now but just another member of the Akatsuki?

An exasperated sigh escaped your lips after thinking over a million things. You were sitting on the couch, overthinking all over again.

"Does he hate me for talking about my first love? I don't really understand him." You mumbled to yourself as you try to fight back the tears.

"Pein needs to talk to you, Y/N."

Surprised, you jolt up in your seat. You immediately turned around and saw Konan standing behind the couch, looking quite tired.

"He's in his office." She added then left afterwards.

You stood up from the couch and ambled to Pein's office. As soon as you reached his door, your palms started to sweat. You gulped the lump which was starting to form in your throat and knocked three times.

"Come in."

You entered his office and closed the door behind. Pein was seated on his desk and looked extremely tired; his eyes had hideous, dark bags.

He gaped at you for a few minutes and asked you to sit down. The great and almighty leader doesn't look great and almighty at all.

You scrutinized him from top to bottom.

His hair was messy, his cloak had a lot of creases, he has dark eye bags and looked pale. Suddenly, you got worried.

"Zetsu informed me that there are suspicious people lurking near our hideout for days now. I want you to find out who they are and keep them away from the entrance." He ordered.


Instead of replying, you gave him a good slap right across his cheek. He looked shocked at this gesture and held his cheek.

"Bastard! Why are you doing this to me? I didn't even do anything to you!", You shouted angrily.

Pein rose from his seat, looking quite angry as well.

"Your statement is false. In fact, what you did that day really angered me.", He said, his voice dripping with venom.

Angered with his reply, you clicked your tongue and growled, "So talking about my friend angered you? You're so fucking immature!"

"That's not why I was angry!", He seethed.

"Oh really? Because that's the only thing I did during the game. It's a just a-"

"I just told you that it's not the reason why I was angry!" He snarled, cutting your sentence short.

"Then why!"

"It's because I thought that we were already in a relationship." He replied with a frown.

You could literally hear the sound of your heart shattering into a million pieces upon hearing his answer, and without realizing, tears started to roll down your face.

So that's why he's angry.


As soon as the game finished, everyone dispersed and went to their rooms so they could finally sleep. However, playing the game somehow got rid of your sleepiness.

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