20. When He Cooks For You

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The sound of the alarm clock ringing woke you up from your deep slumber. You groggily sat up in your bed and openly stared at your bed before finally snoozing the alarm clock. It was currently seven in the morning and since everyone else is probably still sleeping, you decided to stay in your room for a bit longer.

Memories from yesterday started flashing inside of your head. A wide smile immediately made its way to your face just by thinking about yesterday's events.

You're finally in a relationship with Pein.

Words can't express how much you love him. Although you already know about the Six Paths and that his current body isn't the real one, you still accepted him and he's actually glad that you love him despite his appearance. Later, the sound of plates shattering disrupted you from your thoughts.

"What the hell is happening outside?", You muttered as you hastily got up from bed and went outside to see what was happening.

The sound of plates being shattered didn't sound lovely at all. If Pein was here, the person causing commotion really early in the morning would get punished. A few seconds later, you could already smell something burning coming from the kitchen.

You quickened your pace towards the kitchen, "Oh no! This is bad!"

When you reached the kitchen, you found none other than Pein. He was standing in the middle of the untidy kitchen with a whisk in his right hand. Glancing over to the kitchen counter, you noticed that there were several cracked eggs and some spilled milk. There was flour everywhere— on the floor, on the counter, on the stove, even on Pein!

You noticed that the trash bin was full so you walked over to it and saw a lot burnt items in it. You glared at Pein as if you were asking him what was in the bin.

"All of those are pancakes.", He murmured as he looks away, not bothering to make eye contact.

They don't seem like pancakes since they were extremely charred. Just by looking at it, you could already tell that they're just as hard as rocks. You glanced at Pein once more and noticed that he was embarrassed over the fact that he burnt and wasted several pancakes and made a huge mess in the kitchen.

"Why did you decide to cook today?", You asked while wrapping your arms around his neck, not caring anymore if your clothes got dirty.

"I just wanted to surprise you."

A giggle escaped your lips upon hearing his answer. It's not everyday that you see Pein create a huge disaster inside of the kitchen. His lips curled into a frown, not really appreciating that you were laughing at him.

"Why are you laughing?", He asked in a serious tone.

After noticing that he looks quite disappointed, you gave him a tight embrace and replied, "I really appreciate you cooking for me. No one's done that for me so thank you."

As he was about to reply, you cut him off by giving him a quick peck on the lips. You gave him one last look and said:

"Now, let's clean up before the others see this mess."


It was currently 11 in the evening, the other Akatsuki members were already in their respective rooms who are either sleeping or doing unnecessary stuff. Since you weren't feeling sleepy, you decided to stay in Sasori's room for a while.

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