11. When He Confesses To You

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As soon as realization hits you in the head, you quickly pull away from Pein whilst wiping off your tears with your forearm. You cleared your throat and took a glimpse at him, he was pursing his lips as he looked everywhere but you.

"Pein.", You spoke softly.

He was acting strangely. He won't look at you in the eye and kept tapping his foot, it was really weird to see him this way.

"Don't you have something to say?", You fold your arms neatly across your chest and waited for his response patiently.

It took a few long minutes before he finally spoke, "I do actually."

He purses his lips once more and stared at your eyes, "I apologize for hurting your friend after telling you that I wouldn't lay a finger on them for no reason."

You finally heard what you wanted to hear so you forgave him but it was difficult for you to forget what Pein did. Now that the two of you have made up, you went to the kitchen to give him something to drink.

"Coffee or tea?", You asked him.

There was no response.

You poked your head to the living room and found him standing in the middle, "Hey! What are you doing?", You question as you walked in the room.

Something was definitely bothering him. You rubbed his back, hoping that it would soothe him.

"Look, I already forgave you. Is there something else bothering you?"

"Y/N.", He murmured.

Before you could speak, he pulled you into his arms again, engulfing you in a tight hug. It was the second time he hugged you today. Red leaked on your cheeks, forming a crimson red blush.

"W-What are you doing, P-Pein?"

He held you tighter in his arms. You could hear his heart pounding in his chest, "I really need to confess.", He muttered.

You blinked at his statement, "What?"

"I have feelings for you, Y/N.", He said, "They said that love is supposed to heal your pain but it somehow hurts."

He didn't want to let go of the hug just yet, "I love you, Y/N."


"What did you say?", You asked. You weren't sure if what you heard him say was right. He was jealous?

Sasori was losing his patience. It seems like that he wanted to pull out his hair already, "I just told you that I was jealous!"

You flared your nostrils while crossing your arms, "Why are you even jealous? You're the one who would not talk to me.", You replied sassily.


You took a step back since you got caught off guard. Right after his outburst, Sasori became calm and quiet.

Blinking several times didn't really help so you pinched yourself real hard to see if you were in a crazy dream or not.


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