14.5 Just A Regular Day In The Hideout

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After staying in hideout for two weeks, you finally became accustomed to the place.

The other members doing silly, naughty acts and being childish somewhat became the norm for you. Pein, the leader, would end up getting infuriated because of the damage while Kakuzu ends up paying for the bills.

And whenever it comes to cooking, that's right, it's either you or Konan who feeds the Akatsuki. Yes, it's a pain to cook for them sometimes, however, it makes you happy whenever they compliment your cooking.

And chores? Well, most of the members do them properly. But when it's Deidara, Hidan, Tobi and Sasori that we're talking about, let's just say that Kakuzu's wallet gets thinner, if you know what that means.

Although they're the most feared and powerful organization, it's actually funny to think that a lot of them are clueless when it comes to household duties.

Who knew that the Akatsuki was like this?

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