5. When You Find Out His Age

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You often meet up with Pein just outside the hideout since you didn't want to go in. You would inform him if there were any suspicious people nearby or when you're going to move in.

After a brief talk with him, He nodded his head in affirmation and was about to head back inside the hideout until you stopped him.

"Before you go back, Can I ask something?", You asked, crossing your arms.

"You're already asking me, Y/N.", He replied, "What is it?"

"How old are you exactly?"

He narrowed his eyes, eyeing you in suspicion, "Why do you want to know?"

"A follower just wants to know something about her leader.", You shrugged.

"I'm 35, Y/N.", He grumbled, "I'm going back inside."

His response left you dumbfounded, your mouth hanging wide open. "Is he really 35? Whoa, he's like 7 years older than me.", You muttered in disbelief, "He looks like 15, not 35."


You were currently at Sasori's warehouse, he was teaching you how to properly repair puppets. Now that the both of you are friends, you two got along really well...in some ways.

"Hey, I was wondering...", You trailed off,

"What?", Sasori replied dryly, not bothering to look at you.

"How old are you? Are you in your 20s?", You were preoccupied with him, so you wondered how old he is.

"You're going to annoy me if I don't answer you, aren't you?", He scoffed.

"I will not!", You protested, "Or will I?"

He was muttering a string of profanities under his breath, totally annoyed with you. "Okay, fine, I'll tell you but promise me that you won't bother me.", He uttered.

You nodded your head, getting really eager to know his age.

"35", He sighed.

"You're joking, right?", You said in disbelief, "Then that would make you 6 years older than I am!"

"You promised me that you won't bother me if I told you my age, now be quiet!", He shouted angrily.

You scoffed at him, still can't accept the fact that he's in his 30s.

"For an emotionless man, you sure are grumpy.", You whispered to yourself.


Deidara finally got out of the inn. Since he wasn't in the Akatsuki hideout for days, he received a punishment for not informing their leader.

"So...You can't go back to hideout after 3 days?", You said, suppressing a laugh.

"Yeah, Let me stay at your place, hn.", He pleaded, "I don't have anywhere else to go."

You tried to take advantage of the situation since he really looked desperate. Apparently, he went on his knees and begged since you rejected.

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