8. When He Ruins Your Date [Part One]

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"I should really stay low-key, I'm not even supposed to be here.", You whispered to yourself as you roamed in your old village, The Hidden Cloud.

You first visited the cottage of the man who you always looked up to, only to find out that he was out for a mission in another village.

"Y/N.", A voice whispered in your left ear.

You jumped in fright at the sound of the voice, "Pein! What are you doing here?", You hissed.

He was wearing his Akatsuki cloak so you took his hand and dragged him to a secluded area.

"You shouldn't be here! Especially while wearing that!", You pointed out to the robe. "Why did you follow me?"

"It's dangerous here. That's why I followed you.", He mumbled, "Once people see you, it could get really bad."

You knew that he wasn't going to follow what you say. Letting out a sigh, you spoke, "I don't want to drag you into this, Pein.", You sniffed, suddenly getting thirsty,"Look, I'll just go get some refreshments. I'll make it quick so just stay here please."

He nodded his head and didn't leave the area while you tried looking for a place where you could buy water. You eventually found one and as soon as you walked in, your eyes landed on a familiar person.

You grabbed his wrist and faced him, "Hisato?", You gasped with wide eyes.


"Hey! Talk to me!", You yelled.

Sasori didn't utter a single word for the past three days. He was already getting on your nerves since he kept ignoring you, you picked up a puppet head and threw it at him.

"Fine! Be that way! I'll just go hang out with someone else.", You said angrily as you clenched your fists.

You stormed out of the warehouse and thought of Sakuya, your old friend. He was the boy that you have feelings for and since it's been a long time since you two hung out, you visited him.

"Y/N! Hey! It's been a long time!", He greeted you with a smile.

You returned the smile and gave him a tight hug. But little did you know, someone was looking at you from afar.


You were in the kitchen, drinking a glass of milk and later, phone rang. "I'll get it, hn.", Deidara said as he reached out for the phone.

Moments later, he hung up and went to kitchen. You stared at him, waiting for him to tell you who that was.

"It was just some guy.", He yawned, "I think his name was Kotarou."

You dropped the glass at the mention of the boy's name and luckily, Deidara caught it, "K-Kotarou?", You blushed, "What did he say?"

Deidara noticed your odd behavior and soon realized that it was the boy you like that called. "He said he'll visit you tomorrow, hn.", He scoffed as he walked out of the kitchen.

You started to get flustered so you started cleaning your home once more. You were really excited that he was going to visit while Deidara just gazed at you, not knowing how to feel.

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