4. When You Become Friends

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"So does this mean that I am part of the organization?", You arched your eyebrows, waiting for his response.

"Yes.", He answered as he touched the wound on his cheek. "When do you plan to move in?"

"About that...", You trailed off, looking away, "Can I move in a month? I don't think I'm ready yet."

You glanced back at him, noticing that he had let out a sigh. "I see.", Pein breathed, "If that's what you want, then alright."

"Thanks!", You stretched your arm in front of you, "Friends?"

He just stared at your hand and peered at your face with bewilderment. It was like he was asking what you were doing.

"If I get to know someone, I don't settle with acquaintances. So it's either friends or nothing.", You announced, motioning him to shake your hand.

"Alright then.", He sighed, "We're friends."


Your eyes opened and noticed that you were still inside Sasori's warehouse, you sat up and saw that he was still at the desk. You had remembered that you dozed off while he was working on your puppets.

You trudged towards the desk to see if he was done, "You finished with mine?", You asked as you peered at him.

His face held no emotion at all, he pointed the puppets that sat on the floor. You gasped when you saw your puppets. He made them twice as better, they looked far more durable than your old ones. Your eyes started to water, you really loved the way they looked.

Without second thought, you ran to him and gave him a tight hug from behind. "I really loved them! Thank you so much! We're friends now! I love you!", You yelled with excitement.

After realizing what you had just done and said, you immediately let him go and took a few steps back. He turned around and had an expression that you couldn't decipher.

"You...What did you just say?", He asked, his eyes growing wide.

"We're friends now!", You pouted as you looked away, heat rising into your cheeks, "Just ignore what I said! We're friends now but I still hate you!"

He turned back and resumed with what he was doing, "Okay, Whatever."


Deidara was still staying in the inn. He kept complaining that it was boring and lonely, You sighed so you sat on a chair placed beside the bed.

"What do you want now?"

"Just get my clay. I want to mold, hn.", He demanded.

You went out of the room for a while and threw him the clay that he wanted.

"This isn't my detonating clay! Hn!", He yelled as he threw the clay aside.

"Are you insane? I'm not giving you your clay when you're in that condition. You might blow up yourself again or worse, this place.", You explained, "So it's either this or nothing."

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