21. When Another Member Flirts With You

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It was a quiet day in the hideout since majority of the people were out on a mission. It was getting a bit boring so you decided to go to the garden.

Walking along the freshly cut grass, you noticed Zetsu just standing by the shed. He was just there, looking a bit tired. He must've finished watering each and every plant.

"Zetsu!", You called out to the plant man as you gave him a smile and began jogging towards him.

"I thought the leader gave you a special mission today?", You continued.

He shook his head sideways and simply replied, "He didn't."

You just nodded your head at him understandingly and a little later, it soon became quiet. The long silence made you feel awkward so you began thinking of topics that you could talk about with him. However, you snapped out of your thoughts when you heard him spoke.

"What are you doing here?"

Shrugging your shoulders, you replied,"I have nothing to do."

After that simple response, everything got silent again. You just wanted to talk to someone and now that it became slightly awkward, you decided to go back inside.

"Hey Zetsu, I'll go ahe—"

"Stay with us for a moment.", His both sides spoke in unison, making you baffled for a moment.

He then walked up to one of the flower patches and picked some flowers. When he got back to your side, he handed you yellow tulips.

"Wait...Is this for me?", You asked reassuringly.

He nodded his head, "You look dashing today."

That compliment somehow made you surprised. Was he flirting with you? Before you could reply to his compliment, another voice cut you off.

"Those flowers would look better on top of your grave.", Pein chided in.

Both you and Zetsu felt afraid upon hearing the leader's voice. You looked at the plant man, hoping he would explain things to Pein.

"W-We weren't doing a-anything illegal..."

You mentally face palmed at his useless response. Now Pein's going to get more angry. Looking at the orange-haired leader, you noticed that he didn't like Zetsu's response.

Pein raised his arm, making Zetsu slightly float on the ground. "Well then, I have a mission for you so go back inside!"

With that, Zetsu crashed inside of the hideout after Pein violently swung his arm to the side. Not liking the shattering sound coming from inside, you covered your ears. When things got quiet, you took a glance at Pein and nearly had cardiac arrest when you saw him glaring at you.

"Come here.", He said rather calmly yet scary.

The tone of his voice didn't sound pleasant at all. Thinking that he might do something to you just like what happened to Zetsu, you refused to move from the position where you're standing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2018 ⏰

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