10. When You Get Mad At Him

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It's been four days since the incident happened with Hisato, your old friend. You were back at your home, isolating yourself from everyone especially Pein.

It angers you to think that Pein could do such a thing to the person you like after he had just told you that he wouldn't hurt them for no reason at all.

"I don't care about joining the Akatsuki anymore.", You murmured as covered yourself with a blanket.

You were in bed, thoughts clouding your head. It was difficult getting a good night's sleep right after what happened and just as you were about to drift off to sleep, the door to your room swung wide open.

You sat up quickly and threw a kunai at the direction of the person who trespassed, which he easily dodged. Your eyes grew wide upon seeing who the person was.

"You're here.", You grimaced as you got up from bed and face him.

Pein was standing by the door. His face held no emotion at all which angered you.

You took fast strides and grabbed the collar of his cloak, your knuckles turning white. "You still have the nerve to come to me after what you've done?", You yelled at his face as your tears started rolling down your face.

He wasn't responding so you tightened the grip on his collar, "You broke his back! Aren't you going to say something?", You cried, placing your head on his shoulder as your tears continued flowing.

There was a long moment of silence until he spoke.


You slowly lifted your to take a good look at him, his mysterious eyes staring at your plain ones.

Just as you were about to let go of his collar, he pulled you closer to him. His left arm placed behind your nape while his other one was at the small of your back.

"I'm sorry for causing you pain.", He whispered in your ear.


Working back at your place definitely felt strange. Something didn't feel right. Was it the fact that you're all alone again or you miss Sasori?


A scowl started to form on your face just by saying his name. The gas that Sakuya inhaled a few days ago was poisonous. He could've been in a critical condition if you hadn't brought him to an expert medical ninja.

"That damn Sasori!", You shouted angrily as you banged your fist on the table.

"What about me?"

You spun around and saw the red-haired man leaning on the doorframe. He let out a yawn and took a seat beside you.

"You should just come back to my warehouse. This place is too crowded.", He said.

He was acting like nothing happened the other day. You rooted your jaw and held your carving knife tightly. Seeing your tight grip on the knife, he released a sigh and looked at you.

"I don't regret doing that so don't expect an apology from me.", He huffed.

You yelled, "You're a monster! Why the hell did you do that?", Your blood started to boil at his response.

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