3. When You Spend Time Together

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At first, You thought he was joking but seeing his deadpan expression, you immediately knew that he wasn't messing around.

"Wait...You're serious?", You asked in disbelief.

"I don't like messing around, Y/N.", Pein snarled, making you step back.

You didn't like the organization, however, it somehow piqued your interest. You know nothing about the organization yet you were being offered to join. Filled with curiosity, You accepted his offer.

"Okay then, I'm in!", You yelled.

"Nice choice.", He uttered. He closed his eyes for a minute and dashed towards you, which surprised you. He had great reflexes, which made it difficult to hit him.

You were doing your best to dodge all his attacks, "What is this for?", You asked in the middle of the fight.

"I want to test your strength so I could see if those rumors were true.", He replied.

You nodded your head in affirmation. You took an offensive stance and retaliated. After an hour, You managed to pin him down on the ground, leaving a scratch on his face.

"So they were true.", He laughed dryly, "You're very strong and this is my first time to get injured by another person."

You laughed at his statement since he had underestimated you. You were still on top on him, holding both of his wrists with your right hand and held your kunai with your left hand.

"Don't underestimate me, Pein.", You whispered into his ear.


"That's what you get for making me mad!", You screamed.

You finally got rid of the chakra strings attached at Sasori. He slapped himself for nearly two hours when you were controlling him.

"You do know that I am puppet which means I can't feel anything, emotions included.", He announced. "So you wasted two hours of your time."

You stared at your injured hand and remembered the punch that you've given him, "So that's why your head was hard! Look what you did to my hand, bastard! Now I can't fix my puppets!", You jeered as you showed him your hand.

"I didn't know that you were a puppeteer. Since when did you become one?", He asked, totally ignoring your rant.

You had a scowl plastered on your face but you shrugged it off and decided to answer his question since he was talking about the one thing you love, puppetry.

"Five years ago.", You replied, not bothering to look at his face.

There was a short moment of silence until he spoke, "Bring your puppets to my warehouse, I'll fix them."

You ended up going to his warehouse at the end of day and watched him repair your puppets. You were incredibly jealous of him since his supplies were organized and complete, he had a lot of beautiful puppets and he was no neophyte when it comes to repairing.

"Oh wow, you're good.", You mumbled as you watched him.

He squinted his eyes at you, "Are you being sarcastic? And don't bother me, You're making me mad.", He snapped.

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