6. When He Visits Your Place

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It's been days since you've met up with Pein. You thought that you were bothering him so you've stopped visiting for a while.

"It's so lonely in here.", You sighed.

You were currently cleaning your apartment since you never bothered tidying up whenever you were at home. Moments later, there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?", You yelled.

No answer

You put away the broom and opened the front door, revealing Pein. You were staggered, not expecting him to visit you.

"I didn't know that you were staying in The Hidden Rain.", Pein spoke as he stepped inside, he scrutinized your place and looked somewhat disturbed.

"I've been looking for you for days.", He continued, not sounding happy at all,

"It seemed like that I was squeezing myself into your hectic schedule. I don't want to waste other people's time.", You explained as you crossed your fingers, hoping that he'd understand.

"Is that so? Alright then.", He said as he sat down on your couch, "May I stay here for a while?"


"So this is where you make your puppets.", Sasori mumbled as he scanned the area.

He visited your home since he wanted to see where you work. Compared to his work area, yours was smaller and disorganized.

"There's no space in here? Plus it's messy. How do you work here?", He inquired.

"I have no other place so if I want to work, it's either here or nothing.", You explained, a sigh escaping from your lips.

"You know, Y/N...", Sasori trailed off, "I could let you stay in my warehouse as long as you don't anger me."


Since Deidara was staying at your place for 3 days, you spent the whole day cleaning. You didn't want him to think that you laze around at home, not bothering to clean up.

"Whoa! Nice place!", He exclaimed, admiring your apartment.

You mentally praised yourself for cleaning and rearranging your furniture. As he was checking out your place, he suddenly looked baffled.

"Where am I supposed to sleep, hn?", He asked, crossing his arms.

"There are actually two beds in my room.", You announced.

He heaved a sigh of relief, getting excited all over again, "This punishment doesn't seem like a punishment at all!", He yelled, "It's a sleepover, hn!"


You brought Tobi to your apartment after playing since he scraped his arm earlier. At first, he didn't want to get his wounds treated but ended up agreeing because he gets to see your house.

"It's so lonely at Y/N-chan's house.", Tobi muttered, looking around as you clean up his scrape.

"That's why I play with the children everyday. I don't really do anything in here.", You frowned.

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