15. When You Play Truth Or Dare

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The hideout was quiet and it was kind of suspicious because no has any missions for today. It was already 9 in the evening and you were in the lounge, taking a break.

As you were sipping on your tea, the other Akatsuki members filed into the room. The others were all hyped up and excited while rest seemed annoyed.

"What are you all doing here?", You asked while furrowing your eyebrows.

Sasori pointed his finger to a certain lollipop masked man who looks extremely excited.

"Tobi! Why are all of you in here? Is there a meeting?"

He shook his head sideways and yelled, "We're here to play Truth or Dare, Y/N-chan!"


"Aren't we a little too old to play that game?", You questioned as you glared at Pein as if you were asking him if he agreed to this.

The leader lets out a sigh and spoke, "He won't stop bothering me."

Everyone just stared at the leader, not really believing that he agreed to play just because Tobi was bothering him. It was more believable if he says that he was blackmailed.

"Okay! Let's just fucking start the game!", Hidan jeered. "I'll go first!"

Hidan's eyes scanned each and every Akatsuki member and as soon as his eyes land on you, a huge smirk started to form on his face.

"Y/N! Truth or dare?"

"Why me?", You asked with wide eyes, "Do I really have to play along?"

Everyone muttered a 'yes' since they were forced to join in this game and it would be unfair for them if you didn't join.

"Truth...", You sighed.

"If you get the chance to spend the day with someone in this room, who would it be?", Hidan asked, wiggling his eyebrows.


Everyone glared at you, wondering why you chose him. Not really caring anymore, you shrugged your shoulders and said, "I don't know to be honest, but for some reason, he reminds me of my childhood friend."

"Oh! What's your friend like, Y/N-chan?", Tobi inquired, making the others groan.

"He's actually my first love."

Now that piqued everyone's interest! They started to gather closer, wanting to hear your story about the guy you fell in love with.

"Tell us something about him, Y/N.", Konan piped.

It made you glad that they wanted to know something about your friend. But as you were about to talk, everyone, including you, got distracted when Pein rose from his seat. He didn't utter a single word. All he did was walk away from the scene.

"What's wrong with him, Konan?", The black half of Zetsu questioned Konan who seemed confused as well.

"I think he has paperwork to do.", Was all she said.

Seeing Pein walk away somehow hurt you. You knew that he finished his paperwork yesterday which is why you arrived to your own conclusion.

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