" You shattered a chaotically beautiful an hopelessly insane heart,yet I couldn't allow myself to hate every small part of you for longer than a day;
it wasn't a possibility in my brain or my soul that I could just let three years fly away without even trying and fighting to weigh it back down. So yes, you shattered the most important part of me the part that made me myself an let me feel as if I shined when every other person hounded that I didn't,but you also taught me one of the greatest lessons I could ever obtain inside myself, trust isn't something born, it's built,rearranged, reinvented, its a glass level fragile yet titanium like in all its glory so I've picked up the golden shards that you threw into the depths of the dark ocean an rebuilt my trust like a guard tower watching ever move I made like it would be my last, even if deep inside the stitched ragged shards I knew I could never give up on the one everything that is what creates my being. I truly do not think you understand to what degree you shattered me."
Project Feel
Saggistica"Written words speak when your voice fails" I started this project almost two years ago as a way for people all around the world to see that they are not voiceless or alone and that there isn't just one version of life. Not only that but also to sh...