41. Souls Made Of Gold- Tanna

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It echoes through the country like its bouncing off invisible walls that surround what is filled with Terror

You could call it one thing but I'm swearing to you that it's more than that

More than a scream for attention,
More than just a single shot

Because trust me if I've learned one thing in life it's that death always comes in threes
A sick twisted pattern that hasn't faltered;

You've probably seen the things being played on every screen these last few buzzing days
But for the ones a small bit confused still ill give a short run down without skipping a single detail,

An angel isn't even a strong enough comparison to how amazing she was, life radiated off of her and into the broken ones around, mending pieces she didn't even know existed.
Leaving her heart on a black flat platform surrounded by people who knew her like the back of her hand was something she craved like an addict going through withdrawals,

Arms wide open

Eyes blinking away at all that's going on beside her

Ear splitting is how the ringing is described

Silence filled the arena,
Chaos began as her hero stopped the one and only who took his baby sisters life away

Heaven got a beautiful angel at 2:42 AM on a gut wrenching June eleventh.
Life stilled

Words couldn't explain

At twenty two no one saw this coming
A plot twist no one wished to see
Wishing to hit the rewind button the second it happened
But someone else got the remote and rewind wasn't hit , fast forward to the Next morning. What came along was history that was made once again
But this one wasn't something to be proud of

Fifty three spirits now filled the city of Orlando
While circle after circle engulfed the hospitals scattered around the brightly colored city

From electric sunrises to neon lights not a single living life wavered from there spot in line trying to mend the ones fighting against death himself in a game of tug a war no one was sure they'd win.

You wonder really
What's happening to the place we strive to survive in
What's happened to the people surrounding us
Screams ,
Trembles ,
Panic attacks ,
Cracking bones,
Blood through a tube,
Deaths hushed whispers ,
A monitor beeping a beautiful mind and soul alive ,
All this is echoing louder than ever before
Echoing against the walls that have been built

Transparent enough for certain souls to see
Just like how some can hear the whispers of death strolling through the streets
And how the world never learns from its mistakes
You can't learn from anything when it continues to ring in your ears for entirety.

Now there's hearts split in twos laying across the country like a battle field,
Media attention for just a little while but once that was gone the care lessened and the heart ache finally over took the shock that filled;

Trembling hopeful mothers,
Wishing and praying Fathers,
Angry Brothers who only wished to protect the siblings they have,
Broken hearted Sisters still sitting in denial that the bedroom door will open,
Mentally crushed best Friends that could have sworn that little fight over tacos wouldn't be the last thing they ever talked about,
Heart wrenched guilty Boyfriends that feel like they could have just taken the keys away when they're loved one marched out the door after their small fight and it'd all be alright,
Pacing girlfriends that haven't left the hospital waiting room for three days are surviving on will,strength,love and hope watching those doors like Hawks.
Unresponsive wives stare blankly at a wall for hours not being able to handle the news they were just told,
Begging and pleading seemed to do the trick as Husbands do it over and over again and would do anything it takes just to turn back time,
shocked sob filled family members in all can't believe something like this struck the one they loved oh so dearly.

Tragedy has struck more times in this country in the last few months than the number of seconds in a single day and
the once great country of the free is no longer that anymore,
But the country of blood shed and flat heart monitors followed by broken sobs that wrack like category five earth quakes.
- Tanna

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