Chapter 10: First Kiss

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Bella's POV

"Thank you, Ezra." I felt my throat dry so I took the glass and drink the water straight up."Why are you suddenly nice to me?"she asked out of nowhere.

Ezra was surprise with Bella's question. He didn't expect her to be blunt. It must be the alcohol. He's sure that if Bella's not drunk. She might not have the courage to ask her that.

"Am I not nice to you?"Ezra asked a bit amuse.

"As a matter of fact, yes!"I said straight. Not beating around the bush.

"Really now." Ezra said in a chuckles.

"Yes, really." I said in my best poker face.

Ezra stifles a laugh, his hazel eyes crinkling at the corners.

"What the hell are you laughing at?"I said irritable.

"I'm not laughing, I just... I don't know. I'm happy, I guess." Ezra explains because it looks like I am offended in his reaction.

I smile and look down shyly. Ezra looked so handsome laughing like that. Carefree. It's the first time I heard him laughing with me. Most of the time he laughs with Shane or Rain's jokes. But not like this.

When I look up, Ezra is staring at her and he is still smiling. Ezra looks deep in her eyes and I find myself drawn to him... Ezra moves to sit closer to me and takes my hand, cautiously at first.. When I don't pull away, he interlaces his fingers with mine and smiles down at me. Ezra wraps his arms around me and I lean into him.

"You know, this does feel.... right." Ezra said to Bella

"I didn't think you like me at first." I said straight to Ezra.

"What gave you that idea?"Ezra said out of curiosity

"The stony stares, the sarcasm, the aloof attitude?" I count the reasons.

"Well, it takes me a while to warm up to someone"Ezra explains.

"What change your mind about me?"I asked.

"I suspect your fishing for compliments..." Ezra said joking.

"And what if I am?"I said honestly.

"I'd tell you that I knew I liked you when you bump into me that very first day."Ezra says in admission.

"Really? Way back then? I thought it took you a 'while to warm up to someone'."I am surprised with Ezra's revelation.

"Not you. You're different."as Ezra tells me that, his hands softly trace my face, gently probing. His staring into my eyes with burning gaze. He places his fingers under my chin and tilts my mouth up towards his.

My attention is drawn to his beautiful mouth, my heart is racing, my knees are shaking and my stomach is full with butterflies.

'Oh my. And for the first time in twenty years, I want to be kissed. I want to feel his mouth on me.' I said to myself.

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