Chapter 23: Graduation, After Party

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after the graduation ceremony.

The marquee is immense, and crowded - students, parents, teachers, and friends, all chattering happily.

"Isabella!" I turn, and Aidan- Ali's brother, scoops me into his arms. He twirls me around. "Congratulations!" He beams down at me, his eyes twinkling.

What a surprise. His hair tousled and sexy looking. He's as handsome as Ali. The family resemblance is striking.

"Wow -Aidan! How great to see you. Mom, Dad, this is Aidan. Ali's brother. Aidan, this are my parents." They shake hands, my dad coolly assessing Aidan.

"When did you get back from Africa?" I ask.

"Actually, I just got back, I went home and they said that Ali's here, and I wanted to surprise my little brother. Where is he? Have you seen him?"he says conspiratorially.

"That's so sweet." I grin up at him. "He's here somewhere."

Aidan has his arm around my waist when I look into the frosty hazel brown eyes of Ezra. Ali, Shane, Liam and Rain is beside him.

"Aidan! Your back!"Ali went straight up to Aidan and hug him, Aidan tapped him at the back.

"Congratulations, Queen B."Shane, Liam, Rain greeted me in synched. Then they turned their attention to Aidan.

"Congratulations, Bella!"Ali offered me a quick hug. And he turns to his brother. "Ezra, this is my brother,  Aidan." Ali  says introducing Ezra to his brother.

Ezra turns his arctic glare on Aidan, who still  has one arm around me.

"Aidan."Ezra nods, and shake his hand. And  holds his hand out to me."Bella, Congratulations!" He kissed me in my cheeks. I felt my face reddened. I just hope I'm not giving away anything about the real score with me and Ezra.

"Thank you Ezra."I turned to look at my parents and went towards them to introduce Ezra as I have promised him earlier. "Hey Mom, Dad, by the way you've meet Ezra? His the new addition to our growing set of friends here at school."

"Oh yeah, we've met on your birthday. He introduced himself to us. While you were busy mingling with your friends, Dear."My Dad said in acknowledgement.

"It's nice to meet you both, officially." Ezra said sincerely. "Actually, Bella and I have something to--..." I glare at Ezra with a warning look, I swear if he tells anything in front of my parents, I stop with my thoughts  - well, what can I do? We are married. It's official. And I told Ezra I'd be the one to tell them about "us". But I can't take my courage up. I've been trying for a month.

I elbowed him on his stomach to stop him from spilling anything. His unbelievably impatient. I told him that I'd figure it out.

Is there anything else I can do? I can't think of something. I look at Ezra pleading. I hope he gives me some more time.

"Ezra."I pleaded, I need him to stop talking. Ezra looks at me defeated.

"What is it, Bella?"My Mom ask out of curiousity. Looking at me and Ezra.

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