Chapter 34: The One

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'It makes me really happy to hear that.'I wanted to tell him that. But I couldn't. Instead, I told him the opposite. "I'm serious about the divorce. It's the reason I'm here." Whoever said Love is enough to make a marriage work is foolish. Love needs Trust to work. That's the Fucking truth!

Ezra slowly pulls away from me and stares at me in disbelief.

"If that's what you want. Here." He said in resignation and places a calling card in my palm. "You should make an appointment with my lawyer, he will handle everything?" He said walking away from me.

"Wait!"I said stopping him from his track. What am I gonna say? That I change my mind? No, I'm not changing my mind. "Why would I make an appointment with your lawyer? I did not marry him. I married you."He smirks at my statement.

He walks right back at me, "You want a divorce, right? Because If I'm going to be completely honest, I don't want that. I don't wanna give up on us. The thing is, Bella... I still love you. And what I want, is to work this out. If your not willing to do that, then talk to my lawyer. But if you change your mind and you want to give me another chance, come to me anytime and I'll drop everything for you."He takes my hand, his gaze meeting mine, eyes searching my face.

I am stunned. Can't move my feet. I open my mouth to say something, only to shut it again. I can't find words to say. When Ezra realize that I have nothing to say, he turns and walks away.

I head back to our table and search for Shane, Rain, Ali or even Liam. Finally I spotted them standing in front of the cocktails. A wave of relief washes over me as I speedwalk over to them.

"Hey, Bella.. You okay? You look a little..." Shane asked a little worried.

"Befuddled. Bothered. Bewildered." Rain said describing how I look.

"Yeah, something like that." I admitted.

"Maybe a dance will cheer you up?" Ali suggested.

"It's certainty worth a shot." Ali move to stand beside me and offers me his arm.

Ali smiles as he places his hand on my waist, and we sway together to the music. He twirls me around and I laugh.

"Thank you, Ali."

"Anytime, Bella."He said dipping his head, his breath tickling my ear.

When the song ends, I pull away from Ali and excuse myself." I'll just go to the restroom."Ali nods and went back to our table.

On my way back to our table, this painting catches my eye. I stop and stared at how complicated and yet beautiful it is.

I felt someone stood beside me, When I look at my side. I'm assuming his from our school? I'm not sure though, never seen him before.
"Beautiful, Isn't it?"He said not taking his eyes off the massive painting.

I stared back at the painting again."You see that plethora of colors and shapes and figures? Well, that is how my mind messes up, that is how the thoughts taunt, that is how the words haunt. I'm a paradox in the purest form of the word, and I-I could never fathom how someone could love a girl, embrace her soul, kiss her flaws if this is how intricate she is-like wires impossible to untangle. Like the metaphors so unfathomable."

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