Chapter 38: New Beginings

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We ended out ordering take outs for breakfast.

"Thanks for breakfast."I said as I stand.

"Your leaving already?"Ezra mutters with puffy eyes.

"Yes, I need to take a shower."

"But... we haven't had dessert yet."He said hopeful that I stay.

"You have dessert?"

"Ofcourse! I know how you love dessert. I planned this in advance."He said, mischief is written all over his face."What?"He asked smiling at me while looking at him intently narrowing my eyes on him, not believing him.

"Really?"I said questioning him. "I didn't see any dessert in the fridge."I pointed out. While rummaging the fridge earlier.

"Because, It's not in the fridge. It's right here."He looks at me straight and point his finger to himself.

"Oooh." I said unbelievable. "I'm sorry, but i think i'm gonna pass. I don't eat humans."I said teasing and walking away from him and went straight to the main door.

"Bella, you gonna seriously pass?"He said.

"Yap! I will" I shrug my shoulder. I reach for the door knob when Ezra took me by surprised and pulls me to him. I gasped at his action.

 I gasped at his action

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"Not so fast."He utter smiling.

"Hmmm."My senses is filled with his scent that I close my eyes and inhaled his scent more.

"Bella."I suddenly wakes up with the sound of his soothing voice and I felt a bit embarrassed on the way my body react to his touch. I felt my cheeks heated.

"Oh, Wife. Your blushing." I tried to wringled out of his hold. But he wouldn't budge. He's holding me tighter.

"I am not. It's just hot, because your crowding me."I tried to get out of his hold again but with no luck.

"Thank you for the compliment, wife. I know, I'm hot. You don't have to burst it out loud." He said teasing me. The table have turn so quickly. Earlier I was the one teasing him.

"Ugh! Unbelievable."I said rolling my eyes to him.

It turns out his just teasing me about dessert being him. He really have dessert ordered from the hotels restaurant below.

He eventually persuade me not to leave his hotel room. And said that we have a lot to talked about. I conceded and ended up taking a shower at his bathroom. I ransack his closet to look for something to wear. I can't help but smile on our conversation earlier.

He guide me to his room, and opened the door towards the bathroom.

"Here you go, Love."Handling the door wide for me to get inside. "If you need anything 'else'. I'm at your beak and call." He stares at me intently.

You can do this, I coaxes - play this sex God at his own game. "Can I? Okay. What to do?"

"I'm great, thanks." Getting the hint that his insinuating something else.

I hid my smile. Taking my clothes slowly. I can see his eyes go wide and he in gulped sharply, his adam apple bobbed. Lust is evident in his eye.

I smiled so sweetly and bite my lower lip before my clothes drop down the floor

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I smiled so sweetly and bite my lower lip before my clothes drop down the floor. Leaving me with my underwear. I hold the door knob and shut the door to his face.

I stiffle a giggle. I can only imagine how he looks.

I got out from his bedroom. Wearing only his buttondown dress shirt, Nothing else. It's a good thing that his shirt reach just above my knee.. No underwears. I'm tempted to use his briefs. I felt exposed. But I fight against it.

"I hope you don't mind. I, uh, swiped one of your shirts."Looking down on the buttondown shirt I'm wearing.

"Looks better on you than me

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"Looks better on you than me."He smiles sincerely. Like his not affected and mad on what I did to him earlier.

"Thank you, Ezra." I said flattered.

"Come, sit with me." I take a seat beside him. Holding the hem of the shirt, not to expose my private parts.

"Why so serious Ezra? Is this about earlier. It's a joke."

"Naah. Earlier has no effect on me." He shrugged his shoulder and staring at me testing me.

He wanna play this card. Well, two can play his game.

"Really, now?"I lift my left eyebrow. Not believing what he said.

"Yap." He answered uninterested.

"Okay."A glint of playfullness sparks in my eyes. Looking at him directly in his eyes and I smile at him, my killer smile. Then I lean in and whispers to his ear. "I'm not wearing any under wear."

He gasp and stares at me, His both hands on my face and he kiss me intently. Then he lets go and shakes his head with a smirk in his lips "You are such a tease!"

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