Chapter 33: Reunion

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We sit next to each other silently. Pretending that nothing is wrong. It's a miracle we finished our chitchat successfully. We said goodbyes and nobody even notice how civil I've been treating Ezra.
I took my phone and dialled Hailey's number.
"Hey, yah Hails! Where are you?!"I asked once she answered her phone.

"Bella, I'm here at my shop. Why'd you ask? Do we have plans tonight?"

"Actually, I'm planning on dropping by at your boutique nearby my hotel. I was wondering if you could help me out with my outfit for my school reunion."

"Oh, yeah! Of course! That's tonight though, right?"

"Yap! You got that right!"

"Definitely! When I'm done with you, you'll be crowned the star of the night!"

"I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but I don't think their such thing like 'Star of the night'."I said laughing.

"What a bummer. Oh well, I'll see you in a jiffy. I'm almost done here. I'll meet you there."She hang up on me.

I love the hotel that I'm staying in. Everything I needed is just a walk away!

It took me about fifteen minutes from the hotel to Hailey's shop. I'm in my comfy black tee and jeans, wearing my sneakers. Matching with cap and shades.

I enters the boutique when one of the ladies, I'm assuming is a sales clerk with the matching outfits with the other ladies around, she greeted me with a smile and welcomes me

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I enters the boutique when one of the ladies, I'm assuming is a sales clerk with the matching outfits with the other ladies around, she greeted me with a smile and welcomes me. I smiled back, take off my shades and asked her if Hailey is already around.

"You must be Ms Bella McKinley, Ms Williams asked us to accommodate you. Please, this way Ma'am." She leads the way to the formal dresses.

"Thank you." I said smiling. The lady clerk is scanning the dresses lined up in a hanger. I feel bad. I don't even know her name. Don't they have like a name tag or something?! She approached me carrying three dresses.

"Why don't you try these on, Ma'am. The fitting room is just right there." Pointing out the line up partitions with doors.

"Thank you, let me take that."Volunteering to take the dresses out of her hands. She shakes her head smiling.

"It's okay Ma'am. I'm here to assist you."

"Please, call me Bella. What's your name?"

"I'm Kate."She smile shyly.

"Hey, Bella!"Hailey calls out to me. I looked at Hailey rushing towards me. She kisses me in the cheek."What on earth are you wearing?" She looks at me from head to toe, she stares at me horrified. I just rolled my eyes at her. "Have you tried that on?"asking about the clothes in Kate's hands.

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