Chapter 43: Due Date

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"Good Morning, My wife." He said quiet huskily. His lips on my neck, felt his arm pull me closer. " Good Morning, Baby."He gets lower and kissed my stomach. "Mommy and daddy loves you very much."

Bella's POV

I can't stop the tears that we're rolling down my cheeks. He held me by my waist and kissed my stomach again. I ruffled his hair gently, brushing off the tears from my cheeks before he could even see me crying. He stares at me beaming.

"Is it going to be a baby boy or a girl?" He asked me in amusement.

I have no idea, how can anyone tell? To indulge him, i answered in the simplest way. "What do you think?"

"It's definitely a girl," He murmured kissing my stomach again. "Definitely."

I just smiled at him. "Okay, Let's see if your guess is right, then. Shall we?"removing his hands on me. I get up and went my way to the bathroom.

When I enter our bedroom with the towel wrapped on my body, I saw him already dressed. "Your fast."I gawked at how hot he looks, with his dress shirt and jeans. "I was hoping you'd join me, we could've save some water."I joked. I walked thru the dressing room while talking. Dropping my towel on the floor and putting my lacy underwear on. Scanning at my wardrobe for a dress to wear. When I looked behind me, his leaning on the door frame and his eyes darkened. I turned around, looking at him. "What?!"I asked innocently.

"Wife, as tempted as I am to join you in the shower earlier might not be a good idea. But seeing you strip your towel infront of me, i'm thinking it was a bad idea not joining you. I'm on a thread of self controll here. Because if not, we might not make it to your OB again."

I walk to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I'm sorry hubby, I'll be quick." His eyes darkened with lust. He thought about me asking for a quickie. "I meant I'll be quick getting dress. But if you really want to, we could have a quickie." I wink at him.

He pulls me closer to him, he kissed me passionately. He place his hand on my neck and the other one on my stomach. My stomach growled. He laughs while shaking his head.

"Someone's hungry. I'll prepare our breakfast. You better finish up."I pout at him. He just kiss my pouted lips and kiss my bare stomach as well, before retreating to the kitchen.

Shit! My hormones all over the place. I'm horny and hungry. I quickly change. And get down the kitchen. I smell something awful. It's making me nauseous.

"What is that god awful smell?"I said crunching up my nose.

He looks at me in disbelief. "It's garlic, I'm making the sauce for the dip."he answers me. "Isn't this your favorite?" He asked bewildered.

I wave my hand and run down to the nearest toilet. Vomitted my guts out. More on liquid since I haven't eatten anything yet. I felt Ezra's hand over my shoulder. And his holding my hair away.

I stand up. Splashing my face some water. Ezra hands me a towel. I wipe my face. And I look at Ezra. My face apologetic. "Hey, baby. Don't be sad. It's not your fault your sensitive to smell." He said understanding. "Before you get back in there, I'll just get rid of the smell. I'll call you if the coast is clear. Yeah?."

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