Chapter 36: Coffee Shop

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"I think I probably said all the words. And what I need is a lifetime to prove it to you."Finishing my speech. I became bold to take her hands off her face and holding it gently while looking at her lovingly. I want her to see through me."I wanted  to marry you again with our families and friends as our witness."Looking apologetic to Bella for spilling the fact that we are already married, infront of her parents.

"We knew Ezra, Bella told us." Bella's mom confirming, not a bit shocked on my revelation.

I make my way to the counter at a café before going to work.  I can't believe it's been a month since Ezra's proposal. And I answered him with I'd think about it. To my surprise, he was okay with it. He's been courting me ever since. We didn't push through with the divorce. Or should I say, I didn't push through with it.

My reverie has been interrupted.

The barista hands me a latte, complete with a recycled paper sleeve and my name written on the side.

"That's.. not how you spell Bella. Is Belldo even a name?"I muttered  surprised seeing my name in a cup.

A guy in a plaid shirt over by the milk and sweeteners flashes me a smile, I think. Because no one else is there. I looked at my sides to see who he smiling at, just to be sure. I'm right! No one else is here. Just me!

"They never spell my name right either." He comes up to me. " I'm Ethan. Or 'Effin', according to my coffee cup." He said introducing himself to me. " So, Bella, do you take sugar in your coffee? Because I'm pretty sure you're sweet enough as it is." He continue talking to me.

"You think I'm sweet, huh?" I asked , lifting my left brow. "You're gonna need a better line than that."I don't looked at him and continue to stir my coffee.

"Ouch..." He gestures a fake look of getting hurt. "But you do think I'm cute, right?"

"Maybe ... But you definitely need to work on your flirting skills." I said honestly. Still not gazing at him. "Your body language is all wrong. Your trying to look confident, but you have a tenseness that gives away how nervous you are. And you used a pick up line, which can come off as unoriginal, or even fake. You should be yourself."I said criticising him and giving him an advise. " Actually, You've had something in your teeth this whole time."I said pointing on his teeth. He panicked and looks at himself on the mirrorize window. His Relief to see that I was playing him.

"Ha ha! You got me!"

"Yap! I did." Sipping my coffee. " But seriously though, you definitely need to work on your flirting skills."

"Will you go out with me, then?"He asked.

"Dating is fun. But, I'm not interested. I'm married...."He's very persistent. This guy can't even take a hint. I'm trying very hard to turn him down gently.

"I'm sure!" I can see disbelief on his facial expression. "Your just playing hard to get, aren't you?! Because I don't see any ring on your finger." He asked

I shake my head. He's unbelievable. He can't really take a hint. She is literally pissed now. All she wants is to drink her coffee silently while waiting for Ezra.

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