Chapter 46: New Roomie

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Bella's POV

"You feel so good, love." Ezra groans in my ear, thrusting upward, pushing his cock deep inside me.

He wraps his arms around my back and pushes me down on his torso, pushing his heels into the bed and thrusting upward in fast, hard strokes. "Stay like this. Don't move, Bella. Don't you dare move." Ezra pants in my ear, his voice dark and tight with pleasure.

I moan, letting him have his way with me, letting him ravish me. "Don't stop,"I cry out. "It feels so good." My nails dig into his shoulders as the pleasure starts to grow even more inside of me. I feel like I'm going to burst - like I'll explode.

And he doesn't stop until he takes us both to the highest point, making us cry out in pleasure, making us shout each others names.

Ezra hugs me to him, brushing my hair as I try to calm myself down and even out my breathing. He's kissing the side of my face and I lift my head from his shoulder, peering down at him.

He gives me a bright smile. " After all this time.... It's still earth-shattering,"Ezra murmurs, gazing lovingly at me. His eyes glint from both the satisfaction and the happiness. It makes me warm all over.

"I'm glad It's still like this. I doubt I'd ever find it like that with anyone else but you."

Ezra's eyes suddenly turn a few shades darker, his expression getting grim. "Not funny, Wife. Don't even try thinking about that, because you'll never know how it would be with someone else but me. You're mine until we die." His voice is possessive, his words making a point.

I chuckle, playfully biting him on the neck. "Ofcourse I'm yours! And your mine, obviously." I raise my left finger to Show him my wedding ring. "Besides, I don't want anyone but you. Others just don't exist."

Ezra stares at me with all seriousness written in his eyes. "Yeah, that better be it." He grunts moodily.

I punch his shoulder laughing. "Come on, don't be moody now, you old man."

Ezra's eyes glint mischievously, dangerously. "Who are you calling old?"

Before I can answer him, he has me flipped on the back, his hands tickling my body, making me squeal out and laugh uncontrollably. "I'm not t-taking it b-back!" I tell out in mid-giggles, writhing on the bed to get away from his merciless hands.

"Are you sure about that?"Ezra asks, his hands not stopping.

We continue that war, him tickling me and me laughing and writhing on the bed until every part of my body starts to ache from laughing hard. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!"I give in When I can't take it anymore. This is a familiar game with me and Ezra when his trying to get something out of me or making me say something I don't want. But he never uses this way to force me into saying something he knows I wouldn't say otherwise.

His hands still on my body and now they start to caress it - up and down my sides, his eyes transfixed on my naked body beneath him. His mouth is on mine before I can even register his intention, moving against mine in rapid pace, making love with it, caressing my tongue with his.

I moan into his mouth, lifting my body up to seek his touch, but he backs away and lays down on my side. "I said we have to talk about something today and I don't want to delay this for much longer."

I prop my head on my hand, resting on my side. "It's really late. Are you sure you don't want to go to sleep and talk tomorrow since you wake up early every Morning?" Ezra still works a lot. But not that much since Caleb was born.

He said he wanted to spend as much time with us and he wants to see his sons every 'first' as much as he can. He's a great father, better than I could ever imagine and I imagined a lot.

"Don't worry about that. It's actually a subject I'll talk to you about." I nod at him, showing him that I'm listening. "I'm thinking about giving up the CEO position to some of our companies and apoint someone else."

I stare at him for a few seconds, thinking his words through, thinking that maybe I didn't hear him right. " uhm, what?"

Ezra nods, "I'm setting a meeting with the board tomorrow, to tell them about my preposition actually."

My mouth hangs open. I sit up on the bed now, all the playful mood escaping from me, replaced by the seriousness and curiousity. "But why would you do that? Don't you love what you do??" I asked him.

I remember way back that we argued about his work, he work way too much after we got married. I always complained about this habit of his. He always tell me that, It's for us, our soon to be children and that he loves what he does. I got used to it and all in all stop complaining. But everything change when I got pregnant and we had Caleb. He doesn't works too much anymore.

Ezra puts his hands behind his head, giving the casual pose. "I realized that my happiness doesn't lie in my work, at least not anymore and at least not for a while now."He searches for my eyes, "My happiness lies with you and Caleb now."Ezra says with all seriousness. "I want to spend as much time with my family as I can."

His words turn my insides all mushy and bring an insane amount of happiness out on the surface. "If that's what you want, baby, you know you have all my support, but only if you're not doing it because you think I'd like that."

He shakes his head." No, I'm doing it for all the right reasons. My heart's not in it so much anymore and I don't enjoy it all that much anymore."

I nod at him, placing my hand on his. "Alright. Then you have all my support."

Ezra extends his arm and wraps it around my body, tucking me to his side and kissing my forehead. "Same here."

"Hey, I need to tell you something, too."I say, biting my lip.

Ezra looks at me with interest."I think It's a good time you chose to be with us more now. Because Caleb will be having a new roommate."

Ezra keeps looking at me, clearly not getting what I'm trying to tell him. "Who? Can't they just take the guestroom? We have a lot of rooms in the house. Why would they bother fitting on Caleb's room."

The grin I give him almost splits my face in two. " Silly. You're going to be a dad, again. For the second time, Ezra. I swear for someone as smart as you, you pick up slow."I said laughing.

Ezra keeps looking at me for a few moments longer and I hold my breath, anticipating his reaction.

He doesn't disappoint by giving me the heart-warming, gut-clenching smile, showing me all his teeth. His eyes flash down to my stomach and he puts his palm flat on it, resting it there for a few seconds before his eyes search mine again. "Another one?" He asks me, the happiness radiating from him.

I nod while I continue grinning at him.

He bends down and starts placing kisses all over my stomach, making me giggle because it tingles before he put his head back up, leaning over me. "Thank you, Love." He whispers, a centimeter away from my lips. "I'm happy your the woman I spend my life with. You make me so immensely happy, I can't even express it in words." He kisses me, placing his lips softly on mine and makes love to them, ravishes them with his own.

I'ts sweet and passionate and It's everything.

I groan. "I love you, too." I said to him, he doesn't have to tell me to know that. I feel it. I felt his lips form a smile, in between his kisses. Then he attack my lips again, this time his kiss is more hungry, laced with desire. I feel his erection at my hip and I can't help but grin against his mouth as he climbs up on my body and settles between my legs. "One more round?"

Ezra softly bites my jaw. " And many more to come."


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