Chapter 40: Emergency Room

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We finished breakfast in the bedroom. Turns out Ezra really is hungry with something else. And my body traitorous respond to his touch immediately. And he made good use of the strawberries and whipped cream.

Bella's POV

Six Months Later.

I piled my plate with chocolate covered strawberries. Everything looked just so delicious.

"Isn't that too much?"Ezra said behind me. Wrapping his arm around my waist and kissing my cheek. I shrugged my shoulder.

Ignoring what he said. I piled more chocolate covered strawberries in my plate. I am going to spoil myself today, I walked towards the breakfast nook and seated, took a strawberry and place it in my mouth. The strawberry taste so rich and juicy, it melts in my mouth. I close my  eyes to enjoy the burst of chocolate  sauce in my mouth. When I open my eyes, it went straight to a familiar hazel eyes staring at me with amisement.

I raised an eyebrow in his direction. Silently asking him, 'what he staring at.' Good thing he got the message and shook his head towards me smiling. He went to the counter and got a cup and pour some coffee.

I continued eating my strawberries in peace. After finishing almost half of my plate, my stomach rumbled. I think sweets in the morning is upsetting my stomach now. I reluctantly left my spoon, I hold on my stomach to stop it from protesting.

"Are you okay, Baby?"Ezra looks worried. Placing his coffee on the table and hurriedly walks beside me.

I clutched my stomach as the pain increased until it was almost unbearable.

"Baby?! "Panic filled his voice but I couldn't answer, I only stared into his eyes, I see fear in them. His hands is all over me. "Where does it hurt, tell me." He cups my face. "I'm taking you to the hospital."

"Aaah.... I - - I'm O-okay." I answered him in a whimper. I hold his left arm to stand up and stop him from carrying me to the hospital, while holding my stomach from my right hand.

Ezra's POV

"You don't fucking look okay to me."I hissed at her. 'I can't forgive myself if something happened to Bella.' I hold her in my arm, bridal style. Good thing she didn't put up a fight with me on going in the hospital again. When I realize she is just wearing a lingerie. I don't want anyone else ogling on my wife's body, That's for my eyes only. I quickly grab her trench coat on the porch.

I am out of my wit to place her on the driver's seat. I growled at my stupidity. I turned again and put Bella on the passengers seat and put on her seatbelt. She just smiled at me, but I can see it in her eyes she's hurting badly.

I run towards the driver seat and hurriedly drive the car towards the nearest hospital. I stepped on the gas.

I can hear Bella taking in her breathing sharply and groaning in pain. "We are almost there, Baby. Hang on."He said worried. A tear fall down his right eye. He was scared for Bella. If only he could take the pain away, he would.

Bella reached out to my face and brushed the tear from my right cheek. I catch her hand on my face and kiss it. And hold on her tight.

Bella's POV

Taking in a few deep breaths while I'm in Ezra's arm. I clutched my stomach tighter, my eyes getting blurry due to the pain and my fingers were wrinkling the trench coat placed by Ezra on me. I groaned lowly as I continued clutching my stomach. I moaned in pain. 

I'm trying to keep it down. I know how I must be scarying the hell out of Ezra right now. His not used to seeing me like this. Panicked is written all over his face. And I hate making him worried.

His out of it, he put me on the drivers seat. If I'm not in pain, I must've teased him endlessly.

I shifted on the side and saw the tear that falls down his cheek. I reached and brush it off.

Ezra's POV

"We're here."I opened the car driver and shouts at the people outside the hospitals emergency entrance  "I need help, please." I ran on the passengers seat and carried Bella. The hospitals personnel brought a Stretch bed instantly and we hurriedly carried Bella inside the hospital. She's clutching my hand so tight. Her eyes still shut "I'm here, baby. I'm not gonna leave you." She instantly opened her eyes in the sound of my voice. I heard her whisper a 'Thank you.'

I've been stopped by a nurse going inside the emergency room. "I'm sorry, Sir. You're not allowed inside."

I'm astounded by what the nurse said. "But, I'm her husband. She's my wife." I've never been in the hospital before. I have no idea, why on earth I'm not allowed beside my wife. She must be worried that I'm not there with her.

"I'm sorry, Sir. Employee's and patients only are allowed inside. We'll just update you once we have assessed your wife's condition."

As we have arrived at the hospital, I talked to the nurse asking what an ER doctor is doing with my wife as of the moment. They answered my questions patiently, they said that  ER doctor is responsible for a number of duties, such as assessing their conditions and beginning treatment, ordering tests or X-rays, and/or providing medication. Knowing that made me a bit tense, it didn't help ease my worries with Bella. 'What is wrong with my wife? What's taking them so long assessing her condition. It's been a hell of thirty minutes.' I've been standing up and seating down for the last thirty minutes.

Finally the Doctor comes out. Calls on me. "Are you the husband?"

"Yes, That's me. How's my wife, doctor? Is she okay? Where is she?" I asked straight, not beating around the bush.

"Your wife's okay, now. She's feeling much better. We have her admitted in a private room as she instructed. She's in the north wing of the hospital, at room 308."

"Can't you tell me about the result." I questioned the doctor.

"We don't have the result yet. It would take an hour or so before we have the results. Will come by to tell you her condition. As of now, you should let her rest."

"Thank you, Doctor."I said appreciating his honesty.

I went straight to Bella's room. She must be worried sick where I am. I enter the room to see her peacefully sleeping. Thank goodness! I move the chair beside her bed and look at her face. I gently touch her cheek and kiss her forehead lightly. Her face shows no more sign of pain. What a relief. It's harder for me to see her like that. I take a seat and my mind is going wild. I took my phone out.

I googled stomach cramp. I type causes of stomach cramp and hit search.

'Causes bouts of stomach cramps, bloating, diarrhoea or constipation, the pain is often relieved when you go to the toilet. - Obviously, that's not it. Uuh, Food poisoning? Food allergies? — That can't be it, either. We bought everything fresh. Our maid always check the foods in the fridge, especially expiration dates. Bella is keen about that. Especially these past few weeks or is it a month already. she's been too sensitive about everything, the taste and smells. She never had food allergies on chocolate and strawberries before, it's the only thing she eats this days. It's the only food we keep constant in our grocery list.' I scrolled down. 'Vomiting- No. she didn't vomit. Stress - I know she's been stressing out about work lately, maybe that's it, just stress. ' I scrolled down again the google and my eye catch something and re-read it. 'What the fuck is gastroenteritis (stomach flu) acid reflux, inflammation of the gut, including Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. - Shit! I don't understand a fucking word. ' holding my head with both my hands. This is making me insane. I should stop and wait for the doctors finding. Instead of relying on Mr Google.

I put my phone to my pocket and held Bella's hand.


Aaaawww.. No!
What's happening to Bella?
Why does she have to be sick now?
Stay tuned, Loves!

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