Chapter 14: The Line

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Liam's POV

At Liam's place.

Shane, Rain and Ali  woke up late and missed their morning classes. As they're taking their brunch, they're talking on skipping class for the whole day to accompany Liam at home. And they've come to an agreement to go clubbing tonight, to celebrate Liam's good health.

"Since we are such a good friend, we'll skip class and go clubbing later."Rain suggested.

Shane nod in agreement. "Best idea EVER. For once your talking my language." Shane winks and smirks at Rain

"What do you think, Ali?" Liam ask skeptically

"Having fun is not a bad idea at all. Are you sure your okay to drink in a bar though?"Concern is written all over Ali's face.

"Yeah, I'm not taking any medications." Liam answers.

Shane clasp his hands behind his head."It's set then!"

"I'll ask Ezra and Bella, if they wanna join us."Ali said. Holding his phone, he dialed Bella's number first. She's not answering. Then his phone beeps. A message from Bella. 'I can't answer, I'm in class. What's up?'
Ali type a response, 'Will go clubbing later, do you wanna come?'
'Sure, I'll  follow. Just text me where.'Bella answered to Ali's text.
'Cool. See you later, then.'Ali type his respond on Bella's text
"Guys, Bella agreed to come."Ali said telling them his conversation with Bella."I'll contact Ezra now." Ali dialed Ezra's number. On one ring, Ezra answers.

"Hello, Ali! What's up, Bro? Where you at?"Ezra answers cooly

"We're at Liam's place, we stayed here last night. We got too tired to go home. Anyways, the reason I called is that, I wanna invite you to go clubbing later."Ali explaining the current situation and asking if his willing to go clubbing.

"Sure, dude! But I will probably be late though, I have to attend to something."Ezra accepted the invitation.

"No worries! See you then." Ali said.

"Okay, see you later."Ezra hang up.

Bella's POV

Bella went home after class to change and get ready for clubbing that night. As she arrive home, she went straight to her room, and she put her bag down. She went to the bathroom and started a bath. After checking the temperature she walk to the chest of drawers in the bedroom, taking off her diamond earrings as she crossed the room.
She went back to the bathroom and undressed in front of the mirror. She looked at herself in the mirror. Her body was firm and well proportioned, breast softly rounded, flat stomach, slim legs.
She looked at her face in the mirror, she have high cheekbones, she have smooth and flawlessly white skin and her hair is long and a little bit curly, the beach waves curls. And her eyes is her best feature, her eyes is very expressive they say.

Taking the razor and soap, she stepped gingerly into the bath tab.

She liked the way a bath relaxed her, and she slipped lower in the water. The day had been long and her back was tense, but she was pleased that school will be over soon. Graduation is coming in a few months.

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