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"How could you forget our anniversary Lars?!" an angry female voice asked from apartment 618. The night was silent, until the female named Andy screamed at her boyfriend, Lars, who was standing at her door. She threw her phone at him and he immediately dodged it without delay.

That day was Andy and Lars' first year anniversary. Andy was so excited to know that Lars had a surprise for her. She got dress into one of her best dresses and waited for him at her apartment. It turns out, Lars accidentally forgot which all leads us to this moment.

Andy was expecting for Lars to leave dramatically or tell her they are over since he couldn't handle her temper. Surprisingly, he didn't. He just stood there, waiting for her to speak up once again. "Go away! I don't want to see you!" Andy screamed and was about to throw a TV remote at him when he closed the door and left.

Andy cried and shouted, "Why the hell did you leave me?!"


The next day, Andy was sitting on her bed, looking absolutely miserable from last night. She thought of everything about both her and Lars and their one year relationship.

Before Lars, she dated two self-indulgent heartbreakers. They both took out all of their problems out on her. They blamed her for their pain because she was too hard to handle and because of her flaws and imperfections. At first, it was perfect for Andy, but then it all became one-sided. She promised herself not to love again.

That was, until she met Lars Anderson.

They both met each other at a dancing rehearsals for the annual prom night. But she wasn't his partner. Her friend, Isabella was his partner that time. Isabella knew Lars since, well, she was a member of the student council and she knew a lot of people from different grade levels.

One day of rehearsals, Isabella introduced Andy to Lars and Andy immediately fell for him because of his antics and his fun personality.

The two grew closer together and became best friends and soon, as fast as lightning, they became a couple because of Lars pure intentions.

Andy smiled as she remembered the first time she got jealous.


"You know, she was funny," Lars said in a soft tone that made Andy suspicious and jealous. They were at a park for their second monthsary date. They were talking about random stuffs until the topic got to Lars' ex-crush.

"Wow, really? She is?" Andy said with sarcasm. Lars nodded and added, "Yeah you should definitely meet her. She's awesome!" Andy didn't find this girl interesting. She just rolled her eyes and said, "Oh really? I should?"

Lars laughed at her reaction. Andy rolled her eyes again and said, "Maybe she makes a better girlfriend than me since she's all nice and amazing to you." She stood up and stormed away from him, jealousy filling her heart as he spoke about this girl.

"Hey hey hey," Lars said as he grabbed her wrist. Andy faced him and raised an eyebrow because he was smiling. "Awww, my girl's jealous," he said and chuckled. Andy blushed and snorted, "Me? Jealous? Hell no!"

"Your face says otherwise, babygirl,"

"I am NOT jealous Lars. I'm serious."

"Then why are you walking away from me?"

"..Because I have better things to do than being here anymore."

Lars smiled gently and hugged her. "Look, I'm sorry if I made you jealous because of Tiana. I just like seeing your reaction because it's funny and cute."

Andy pushed him away gently with a dark blush on her face, "Y-You idiot!" And Lars laughed once again bevause of his tsundere girlfriend.


Andy laughed at the memory and sighed. She stood up and went towards the window. She opened up the window and looked outside. She saw a couple carrying grocery items while laughing.

She smiled as she remembered the last time they both went to a supermarket.


"Can you check the list? Did I forget something?" Andy asked as she pushed her shopping cart towards different sections of the supermarket. "Hmm," Lars hummed, examining the list of items Andy gave him. "Ah yes! You forgot something!" he exclaimed loudly. Andy stopped and looked at him, "Oh what is it?"

"You forgot me. You even forgot to put me on the list despite that I'm free," he said and winked. Andy rolled her eyes playfully and giggled.

"You're crazy. Let's just pay for this," Andy suggested.

After paying for the grocery items, Lars offered to carry her groceries and walk her home. While walking though, Lars was making jokes and puns and telling her corny pick up lines that made Andy laugh and almost trip on a rock.

It was absolutely one of the best days they had in a while.


Andy closed the windows and stared at the wall for a while. Lars was there for her when she needed someone to cry on. He knew everything about her; her dreams, her weaknesses, and her strengths. He memorized her like an open book.

She thought about all the times he didn't leave her despite of her attitude. He was there, and he didn't even complain when she had her days where shit goes down literally.

He loved her so much and she didn't want to lose someone like him.

So, she called him up and invited him to her apartment to talk about what happened last night and to apologize.


A few minutes later, Andy was scrolling through her facebook in her living room when a knock was heard from the door. She muttered, "Come in," and there was Lars, wearing a football helmet and protective equipment.

"Why the hell are you wearing that?!" Andy laughed her head off as she looked at her beloved boyfriend. "Did you wear that all the way here?"

Lars nodded, "Yeah, just in case you'll decide to throw something at me again. Now, let's talk."

Andy smiled and walked over  to him. She took of his helmet and said, "I'm sorry for throwing things at you. You were there for me all the time, you make me laugh, you make me smile and you make me want to live again. I love you."

Lars rolled his eyes playfully and replied, "Oh jeez Andy, cut off the drama!" Then he kissed her on the lips. Soon they parted and smiled at each other.

"You have given me no choice but to stay. I love you!"

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