Group chat😈💋

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Hanna👠 added Alison👑aria🎨 and 2 others to the group chat.

Spencer☕️: hey han what's the group chat all about?💋
Hanna👠:have you gotten any messages from A?
Aria🎨: no...why?
Emily💃🏽: I'm guessing she has,what did A text you?
Alison👑: Hanna you there?
Hanna👠: what no!,I haven't gotten any A messages I was just wondering..
Spencer☕️: that's one of worst lies I've ever heard from you😂
Hanna👠: excuse me?
Alison👑: yip she's right
Aria🎨: Hanna you wouldn't mention it if A hadn't messaged you💋
Emily💃🏽: so what did A text you?❤️
Hanna👠: fine and I wouldn't exactly say text..
Alison👑: what do you mean?!
Hanna👠: A private messaged me on Facebook?😲🚫
Emily💃🏽: kinda the same han😂
Aria🎨: ok I'm not trying to make a joke out of this but what's A's Facebook name😂
Hanna👠: just 'A' but instead of sending something and ending with "--A" it ends with "--😈"
or "--👿"
Spencer☕️: did you tell Caleb?
Alison👑: so what did A say anyway?
Hanna👠: not much but when I tried to block 'A'  a few minutes later A messaged me on fb again saying "do as I say or I won't go away"
Spencer☕️: oh I would love to kill 'A'one day😏🙌
Aria🎨: I'll help!
Alison👑: I'll bring a shovel😂
Emily💃🏽: if only it was as easy as that!😂🤣
A has joined the group chat.
A: but it's not as easy --😈
Hanna👠: go to hell👿👿👿
A: if I did I would be meeting you all there --😈
Spencer Hastings: oh god😵

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