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Em💃🏽 added caleb📲,ali👑han👠,aria🎨,spence☕️,toby🚨 and ezra📚
To the group chat

Em💃🏽: hey everyone
Ali👑: heyy gorgeous
Aria🎨: what's everyone up to?
Spence☕️:1 word:Coffee☕️
Toby🚨: ha same^
Ezra📚: working at the brew☕️
Em💃🏽: so bored
Ali👑: why don't we meet at the brew and have a catch up?
Em💃🏽: yeah sure be there in 5 why don't we all go?
Aria🎨: yeah sure but where's Hanna and Caleb?
Toby🚨: yeah I haven't heard of Caleb since yesterday
Em💃🏽: same
Han👠: I'm sorry guys I can't talk right now😭😭
Spence☕️:Hanna what's wrong?
Han👠: I'm sorry I can't talk
Aria🎨: Han??
Toby🚨:where's Caleb?
Han👠: who's house can I stay at for a few nights
Ali👑: why Hanna?
Aria🎨: why aren't you staying with Caleb?
Spence☕️:Hanna you can stay at mine,why don't you come down the now and we can talk
Han👠: ok thanks😭😭😭
{han👠 left the chat}

Caleb📲: I think me and Hanna broke up.
Toby🚨: Mate wtf your supposed to be getting married what happened???
Em💃🏽: WHAT WHY?????
Spence☕️:I'm with Hanna she's so upset!😭
Em💃🏽: is it ok if me and Ali come and see her?
Aria🎨: me too!
Ezra📚: Caleb why did you break up?
Caleb📲: -A messaged me and told me she cheated on me during summer
Toby🚨: and u believe -A
Caleb📲: I don't want to but I do
Ezra📚: have you talked to her
Caleb📲: yes
Toby🚨: and?
Caleb📲: there was a lot of crying
Ezra📚: i'm guessing hanna wasn't the only one crying

{caleb📲 left the chat}

Toby🚨: he's really upset
Spence☕️: they both are!
Em💃🏽: hannas ate about 3 tubs of ice cream😂😭

{Han👠 and caleb📲 were added to the group chat}

Han👠: aww thanks em!!😭😠
Em💃🏽: nothing to be ashamed of
Han👠: actually there is, and I hate myself for it!😭😭😭

{han👠 left the chat}

{aria🎨 added han👠 to the chat}

Aria🎨: sort this out now!
Han👠: Caleb's not going to forgive me but neither would i
Toby🚨: Caleb have you even let Hanna explain
Caleb📲: no cause it's clear in text what she did
Em💃🏽: your so stupid caleb🤦🏽‍♀️
Caleb📲: and why is that
Ali👑: because you "broke" up with her and didn't ask her what actually happened!

{han👠 left the chat}

Aria🎨: 😔😔😔
Spence☕️:why won't you give Hanna a chance and let her speak, hear what really happened
Em💃🏽: yeah, you were away that summer. Remember?
Ezra📚: this happened ages ago I don't see why you can't forgive her
Caleb📲: because I loved her
And she done that to me not even caring
Aria🎨: you still do love her!
Caleb📲: of course I do
Toby🚨: then talk to her, face to face!

{caleb📲 added han👠 to the chat}

Han👠: aria stop adding me to this stupid chat!
Ali👑: "the stupid" chat that you actually once made🙄
Em💃🏽: not the time ali😂❤️
Aria🎨: I didn't add you to the chat
Caleb📲: I did..
Han👠: why..
Toby🚨: cos he wants to sort things out
Caleb📲: Toby no offence but shut up mate😂😔
Caleb📲: Hanna can we talk?
Han👠: really?
Caleb📲: Hanna I love you, but I never thought something like you cheating on me would ever happen😔
Han👠: Caleb I love you too but you have to know what really happened!
Han👠: don't give up on us
Toby🚨: yeah you can still be engaged
Caleb📲: right mate I mean it shut up toby😂😂
Spence☕️:when the bae ships that other couple😂😂
Caleb📲: ok Hanna
Han👠: will I bring my stuff?
Toby🚨: what stuff, don't tell me you actually threw her out?!😂😭
Caleb📲: I know I'm a bad boyfriend/fiancé but..
Spence☕️:Toby cavanaugh!😂stop interfering
Toby🚨: ok Spence only for you❤️
Han👠: Caleb you aren't a bad faincé I am
Caleb📲:😔, yeah bring your stuff. Hopefully we can sort this out
Em💃🏽: YEAH haleb needs to be back together😂😂
Aria🎨: team haleb all the way😂

(2 hours later)

Spence🤓: so do you think Hanna and Caleb sorted things out
Toby🚨: not a clue, can I come over Spence😍
Spence🤓: sure
Em💃🏽: Ali wuu2
Ali👑: watching this new show on Netflix
Em💃🏽: can I watch?!
Ali👑: haha yeah come over
Ezra📚: how's my little goose?
Aria🎨: I'm very well😁😂 how are you
Ezra📚: yeah good wanna come over?watch a movie 🎥
Aria🎨: yeah I'm actually in the neighbourhood see you soon!
Han👠: guysss😭😭😭
Spence🤓: oh god ,what?😔
Em💃🏽: what happened?😭
Han👠: me and Caleb are over
Ali👑: oh no
Toby🚨: Caleb is an idiot😑
Ezra📚: can't believe u actually broke up
Aria🎨: really😭
Spence🤓: wait what?
Em💃🏽: why are you laughing?
Caleb📲: you got them so good babe😂😂
Ali👑: wtf?
Aria🎨: what do you mean?
Han👠: we pranked you?😂😂
Toby🚨: good one😂😂
Em💃🏽: so are you both back together then...😁
Caleb📲: yes😁😁😁
Spence🤓: so are you still getting married
Han👠: of course!
Ali👑: well isn't this a happy ending😂😂

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