
557 13 1

(Next day after the party)

han👠 added Caleb📲,em💃🏽,ali👑,spence☕️,Toby🚨,Aria🎨 and Ezra📚 to the chat

Han👠: Caleb wanted me to make the chat guys🙄
Toby🚨: why??
Caleb📲: am I the only one who thought Mona was acting weird yesterday??🤔
Ali👑: I guess she was acting a little weird
Spence☕️: yeah maybe just a little
Han👠: I don't think she was🙄
Caleb📲: Alison, why did you think she was acting weird?
Aria🎨: o here we go😂😂
Em💃🏽: yip🙄, are you not going to lunch with your family,Ezra and Mona soon?
Ezra📚: yeah we are😂😂
Aria🎨: wish us luck, even Ezra's parents are gonna be there😂😂😭
Ali👑: so anyway, I think Mona was acting a little bit anxious and one minute she was fine then she looked angry and frustrated
Caleb📲: exactly👌
Em💃🏽: I think I agree with Ali
Spence☕️: i don't know guys🤔
Toby🚨: i agree with Caleb😂
Han👠:🙄🙄🙄 your all exaggerating
Caleb📲: see even Emily and Toby agrees
Toby🚨: okay there not even married yet and there already
Han👠: shut up Toby!!
Caleb📲: yeah shut up
Aria🎨: at least you agree on something?😂😂
Spence☕️: I'm with Hanna on this one
Aria🎨: yeah same^
Han👠: thankyou☺️
Caleb📲: why don't we just ask Mona then
Han👠: Caleb I'm not arguing about this so stop it
Caleb📲: no because I'm doing this for you
Han👠: doing what exactly?
Caleb📲: finding out if Mona has something to do with -A
Han👠: Caleb stop😩
Caleb📲: you know you love me☺️
Han👠: I do😩so ask Mona, but after that, stop assuming Mona is acting suspicious
Caleb📲: ok ok, love you
Han👠: love you too😏
Toby🚨: ok ok wait.. aren't you two in the same room right now??😂😂
Ezra📚: I know right😂😂
Han👠: well we weren't until I went into the bedroom as he was annoying me😂😂 but were in the same room now
Toby🚨:thankyou for this information😂😂😂
Aria🎨: okay so are you guys gonna add Mona to the chat cause I'm pretty sure she's leaving for our lunch soon..
Han👠: I'll add her, but Caleb's doing all the talking
Caleb📲: nah nah you guys can help too😳😂😂

{Han👠 added Mona💄 to the Chat}

Mona💄:hi guys?
Han👠: hey☺️,Caleb wants to talk you😉
Mona💄: okay?😂😂
Caleb📲: what was up last night?
Mona💄: excuse me?😂🤔
Caleb📲: you were acting weird
Ali👑: and anxious*^
Mona💄: was I? Sorry if it seemed like that guys
Caleb📲: Mona, just tell us the truth
Mona💄: the truth..?
Caleb📲: yes.
Mona💄: ok ok fine.. your probably gonna hate me after this but
Em💃🏽: but what Mona?
Mona💄: -A threatened me to help him or her BUT I didn't do anything besides asking you all to go to that party yesterday that's why I was anxious CAUSE I thought -A would have wanted me to do something else but I told -A last night I didn't one to be on the -A team anymore, I'm so sorry that I went behind your backs
Han👠: I don't know what to say😳 but i do forgive you..
Caleb📲: I was right👌
Em💃🏽: shut up Caleb!!
Han👠: haha yass go em😂😂
Mona💄: so do you all forgive me?
Ali👑: I guess
Spence☕️: yeah least you told us the truth and stopped helping -A before you had to do something that's actually serious
Mona💄: yeah but -A kinda wants to kill me now or.. god knows what😂😂😳
Aria🎨: well now that's out the way.. can I,Ezra,Mona please just go to our family meal
Mona💄: yes
Ezra📚: yip😂😂
Toby🚨: yes you may😂😂

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