The guys ch🅰️t

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(5 minutes later)
Caleb📲 added Toby🚨 and Ezra📚 to the chat.

Caleb📲: okay guys I don't know about you but I don't want to leave hanna and the girls alone at the lost woods resort if A.D does reveal who they are then we don't know what's gonna happen
Toby🚨: yeah but what we gonna do about it agent rivers
Ezra📚:we're gonna need to take your car (Caleb's) and drive up there
Caleb📲: you don't say fitz😂
Ezra📚: hey he's the one who asked😂😂
Toby🚨: ok no joking around now the girls could be in danger
Caleb📲: ok serious Toby is back, I'll get the car and pick you guys up
Ezra📚: yeah
(5 mins later)
Toby🚨: the girls just said something in the chat!!
Caleb📲: ok Toby I picked up Ezra were on our way! and I'll get Ezra to read it out for me..

Hey everyone, so as you as you all know A.D is gonna be revealed soon, but as you know in my old chapters A.D was called -A instead so if your wondering why I changed it it's because it was easier to know who it was from if you get what I mean😂
So anyway sorry the chapters have been really short lately it's because we're coming up for the reveal BUT also don't worry I'll still be continuing this book afterwards but I just won't be updating everyday like I usually do,sadly! Well that's all - Sophie


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