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Han👠 added caleb📲,Ali👑,em💃🏽,aria🎨,Ezra📚,Spence☕️ and Toby🚨 to the chat.

Han👠: hey guys
Spence☕️: what's up?
Han👠: nothing
Spence☕️:how is everyone
Aria🎨: yeah good
Han👠: yeah same^
Aria🎨: Alison? Emily?
Em💃🏽: guys do you know where Alison is?
Han👠: I'm pretty sure I'm a girl and not a guy😂😂
Em💃🏽: I'm being serious Han
Spence☕️: I haven't seen her
Aria🎨: well where are u em?
Toby🚨: stalkish much😂😂
Aria🎨: shut up Toby
Spence☕️:thankyou aria😂👏
Em💃🏽: I'm at Alison's house but she's not here obviously
Caleb📲: yeah obvs💁🏼
Han👠: Caleb shut up😂😂
Em💃🏽: guys I'm serious I've tried calling her and i can't get a hold of her!!
Ezra📚: maybe she's busy Emily
Aria🎨: yeah she'll answer soon just call her in about half an hour ,Ezra's right she's probs just busy
Spence☕️: yeah
Han👠: yeah there right
Em💃🏽: thanks girls and Ezra
Caleb📲: bu-t😩😲
Em💃🏽: shut up😂😂 you two should've been born Brothers
Caleb📲: why is that?
Spence☕️: cause you two are too much alike😂😂👏
Han👠: true
Toby🚨: I am offended.
Caleb📲: now I am offended of you being offended
Han👠: okay and your both annoying😂😂
Caleb📲: shut up you love me Hanna
Han👠: sadly true
Han👠: ok ok, I love you😂😂
Caleb📲: love you too❤️
Toby🚨: okay when did this debate turn into a love story😂😂
Spence☕️: shut up toby😂😂
Toby🚨: shut up you know you love me☺️
Spence☕️: yeah I guess i do😂
Ezra📚: aria?
Aria🎨: yeah
Ezra📚: I love you
Aria🎨: lol I love you too❤️
Em💃🏽: okay Alison better hurry up wherever she's at cos I'm jealous AF😂😂👏

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