The teams chats

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3 hours later
Spence☕️ added toby🚨,aria🎨 and Ezra📚 to the chat.

Spence☕️: okay so I'm sorry that we had to split up in our own little groups but it's easier anyway
Aria🎨: so has any of you heard from "team 2"
Toby🚨: nah
Spence☕️: I'll ask em And see if she's got any clues yet
Ezra📚: good idea

(Spencer and Emily's chat)

Spence☕️: hey em?
Em💃🏽: have u heard anything?
Spence☕️: was gonna ask the same thing😂😂
Em💃🏽: no, no clues. Nothing
Spence☕️: okay well let us know if you do
Em💃🏽: okay
Spence☕️: how are u anyway?
Em💃🏽: could be better😞just wish we knew she's okay
Spence☕️: we all do don't worry

Team 2 group chat

Em💃🏽: I spoke to Spence they haven't heard anything
Han👠: ugh😞
Caleb📲: it's gonna be okay babes
Han👠: I know thankyou Caleb
Mona💄: let's just add them back to this chat

{Mona💄 added Spence☕️,Toby🚨,aria🎨 and Ezra📚 to the chat}

Ezra📚: what's up
Em💃🏽: nothing😞

{it's🅰️clue added itself}

Caleb📲: oh great😡
It's🅰️clue:clue no.1, Are you reAdy😈😈
It's🅰️clue: a rock that wasn't like any other. One goes alone and will find an other clue break that rule and you won't find what your looking for

{it's🅰️clue left the chat}

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