Mona's chat

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(🅰️ added Mona to the chat)

Mona💄: you've got to be kidding me
🅰️: nope😈
Mona💄: Hanna told me what you've been saying to my friends😡
🅰️: your friends? Haha😂😂
Mona💄: what😡
🅰️: poor Mona! I wouldn't even see Hanna as your friend, there liars renember?
Mona💄: so?😠
🅰️: were you in the group chat that Hanna was telling you about?😂😂
Mona💄: no but Hanna told me everything so I must mean something to her!! So I'm done speaking with the devil😡

(Mona💄 left the chat)

(🅰️ added Mona to the chat)

🅰️: haha don't act so fast Mona
Mona💄: WHO are you and WHAT do You want from me!
🅰️: just a little of your help that's all
Mona💄: and what if I don't wanna play your stupid game I should say
🅰️: then the liars will be at another funeral well if they choose to even go😈😈😈
Mona💄: what do you want me to do?..


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