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(4 hours later
Han👠 added caleb📲,em💃🏽,aria🎨,Ezra📚,Spence☕️ and Toby🚨 to the chat.

Han👠: has anyone heard from Emily
Spence☕️: no.. didn't you say her phone ran out?
Han👠: yeah but still..
Aria🎨: Maybe she's home already?
Caleb📲: yeah she did say her phone was running out when she left
Han👠: yeah I think her phone ran out as she was about to hang up
Toby🚨: ok why don't we go over to hers and Alison's the now and see if she's there
Han👠: yeah good idea
Ezra📚: Toby's probably so proud right now😂
Toby🚨: ☺️☺️☺️
Spence☕️:🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ lets go meet there guys
Caleb📲: don't worry Han and the rest of you, we'll find them
Han👠: love you Caleb rivers
Caleb📲: love you too Hanna rivers
Em💃🏽: okay plot twist. My phone didn't run out.almost got chased by A.D. Found a clue, haleb is cute AF and meet at mine and no didn't find Ali
Spence☕️: wtf em, what do u mean??
Han👠: omg you got chased by A.D? And thankyou☺️☺️#haleb
Toby🚨: ok that was quite a plot twist we thought you were gonna get kidnapped
Aria🎨: Toby!!
Toby🚨: what? We were all thinking it😂

Hey everyone! Sorry for not uploading yesterday but here you go chapter 47?

So as you all know Alison is missing and Emily has found a clue! Sadly after Alison is found they find out who A.D is so after that I won't be uploading as much maybe like 1 chapter every 2 days
But I'm still not sure on that.. so I hope u enjoyed this chapter anyway! I can't wait for the A.D reveal! - Sophie


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