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(1 hour later)
Han👠 added caleb📲,em💃🏽,aria🎨,Ezra📚,Spence☕️ and Toby🚨 to the chat.

Caleb📲: okay girls are you sure about this?
Han👠: yeah
Ezra📚: where are you's all the now
Em💃🏽: your as bad as hanna😂😂 we just left the street Ezra
Toby🚨: just be careful girls
Caleb📲: yeah because this could be a trap
Han👠: thankyou officer Toby and agent Caleb
Spence☕️: IM DEAD
Toby🚨: SPENCER are you okay!!!
Aria🎨: omg seriously..
Spence☕️: ooops forgot the laughing emoji.. yeah I'm okay..😂😂
Han👠: ok guys just promise us you wont try and spy on us or Anything because if A.D does want to reveal who they are then they won't if your all there
Caleb📲: yeah.. we promise don't worry and BE CAREFUL
Toby🚨: I gave spencer and the girls my gun anyway just in case..
Ezra📚: oh god we know how that turned out the last time on the roof😬😂😭
Aria🎨: don't bring that up I almost lost you that night
Em💃🏽: ok we have to go we're in the lost woods the now and almost at the resort HOPEFULLY this turns

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