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(1 weeks before summer)

Han👠 added caleb📲,Ali👑,em💃🏽,aria🎨,Ezra📚,Spence☕️ and Toby🚨 to the chat.

Han👠: hey everyone

Ali👑: hey Han

Aria🎨: what's up?

Spence☕️: yeah
Han,everything okay?

Han👠: yeah I'm fine and nothing Just saying hey😂🙃

Toby🚨: so what's everyone
doing at the holidays

Everyone👠📲👑💃🏽🎨📚: nothing😕

Toby🚨: ok everyone's boring.

Spence☕️: hey!🙄

Toby🚨: sorry Spence😂😂❤️

Caleb📲: why don't we all go to the beach some day?

Han👠: and ruin a good bikini because of the sand,no thanks babe!😂😂

Toby🚨: Caleb's probably in a mood cos he wanted to see Hanna in a bikini😂😂😂



Caleb📲: that's so not true.😏

Ezra📚: yeah ok caleb😂😂

Toby🚨: why don't we go to a water park?

Spence☕️: ok do you guys only want to see us in bikini's or something😂😂

Ali👑: yeah they probably do😂😂

The guys🚨📲📚: nooo.

Aria🎨: there definitely lying

Han👠: yip^^^

Em💃🏽: haha😂😂😂

Caleb📲: so what else do you girls want to do for the summer then?

The girls except han👑🎨💃🏽☕️:

Han👠: wait I have an idea!!

Toby🚨: oh here we go😂😂👏

Caleb📲: ok #coby4life😂but mate shut up😑😠

Han👠: thankyou babe☺️, so anyway my idea was.. why don't we all just go on one big holiday together?

Toby🚨: okay that's actually a pretty good idea Hanna

Em💃🏽:yeah sounds like a great idea

Aria🎨: so where are we all gonna go?

Ali👑: yeah that's our problem.. picking where and when to go

Spence☕️: yeah I'm sure we'll figure it out but now that A.Ds gone, we have nothing to worry about☺️😅🙃


Hey everyone! In the next chapter It will tell mostly about where the liars and the guys are going on holiday!


Thankyou for reading-Sophie

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