Snapchat (group chat)

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Han👠 added caleb📲,ali👸🏼,em💃🏽,aria🎨,spence🤓,toby🚨,ezra📚 and mona💄
To the group chat

Han👠: hey girls n guys😚
Caleb📲: hello fiancé❤️
Mona💄: hey
Spence🤓:so what's the group chat for this time😂😂❤️
Ali👸🏼: yeah^^😚
Han👠: me and Caleb are having a little get together(just friends)
Caleb📲: yeah so no parents🎉
Aria🎨: sounds good!
Em💃🏽: yeah so where's it gonna be?
Caleb📲: my house😆
Ezra📚: so who's all invited?
Han👠: everyone in this group chat😚
Mona💄: could mike come?
Han👠: yeah sure😘
Caleb📲: I'll add him to the chat
{mike🏀 was added to the chat}

Mike🏀: hey guys?
Mona💄: hey babe, Hanna's having a get together. Be my date?
Mike🏀: sure my love😘
Em💃🏽: is it tonight?
Caleb📲: yes🎉💍
Aria🎨: can't wait🤗
Han👠: try not be too casual ppl😂😂
Ali👸🏼: sure doll😂😂❤️
Spence🤓: buzzing🎉💍😚
Toby🚨: hmmm try not to be casual... I'll wear my best dress
Caleb📲:😂😂😂 sure mate
Ezra📚: what colour is it😂😂
Toby🚨: pretty pink😂😂
Spence🤓: what are you guys like😂
Aria🎨: ikr😆
Han👠: well I guess umm.. ok Toby?😂😂😂
Toby🚨: just kidding but ok, well we all come at 7?
Em💃🏽: yeah What time haleb?
Han👠: yeah 7:30 sharp babes😚
Mona💄: okay😘

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