Group chat (snapchat)

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Han👠 added Em🌈,Ali👸🏼,Spence🔍,Aria🎨,Mona💄,caleb📲,Toby🚨,Ezra📚

Han👠: heyy everyone
Caleb📲: are you okay Han❤️
Han👠: yeah?why❤️
Mona💄: I think he's asking how are you after A's little post👌🏻😂😞
Han👠: I'm fine Caleb.
Toby🚨: Spence
Spence🔍: yeah?
Toby🚨: are you ok?
Spence🔍: I'm okay I guess
Ali👸🏼: are you ok Emily???
Em🌈: yeah I'm okay how's everyone else?
Aria🎨:I'm okay
Ali👸🏼:fine could be better😞Toby🚨: wait where's Ezra?😂
Aria🎨:I'm with him we're at the brew
Mona💄: aria, have you heard from mike?
Aria🎨:yeah,his phones been taken off him😂😂
Mona💄: lol,can you tell him i was asking for him
Aria🎨: sure
Spence🔍: Toby can you come round to mine I'm bored😫
Toby🚨: yeah sure
Spence🔍: bring coffee?😏
Toby🚨: of course😂❤️
{Toby🚨& Spence🔍 leave the chat}

Ali👸🏼: what about you em? Wanna come to mine?
Em🌈: yeah I'll bring pizza😍
Ali👸🏼: yasssss😍😍😂
{ali👸🏼 & em🔍 leave the chat}

(10 minutes later)

Mona💄: what's wrong Hanna?
Caleb📲: what's it to you?
Mona💄: oh I'm sorry,I forgot I'm not aloud to ask her what's wrong
Caleb📲: leave Hanna alone😠
Mona💄: why?,why do you not want me talking with Hanna!?
Caleb📲: cause you ran her over with a car!!
Han👠: Caleb! That was a long time ago leave Mona alone she's changed now
Caleb📲: no,no I won't. For all we know she could be back to her old tricks again!!

{Mona💄 left the chat}

Han👠: Caleb I appreciate you standing up for me but you can't speak to Mona like that, I mean it when I say she's changed
Caleb📲: I'm sorry I just want to protect you Hanna
Han👠: it's not me you should be saying sorry to

{Caleb added Mona into the chat}

Caleb📲: Mona I'm sorry😞
Mona💄: its fine,I get it😒
Mona💄: so Hanna what was wrong anyway?
Han👠: nothing.

{Han👠 left the chat}

Mona💄: what's that all about?
Caleb📲: I don't have a clue..😫

{Caleb📲 left the chat}

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