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Em💃🏽 added han👠,caleb📲,aria🎨,ezra📚,spence☕️ and Toby🚨 to the group chat

Em💃🏽: guys!!
Han👠:wow calm down what's up
Spence☕️: em what's wrong
Em💃🏽: Alison's still missing..
Aria🎨: oh no
Em💃🏽: and I got a message from A.D
Caleb📲: saying what😡
Toby🚨: yeah what did it say?

{-🅰️ added itself to the chat}

-🅰️: why don't I explain Emily😈
Spence☕️: you've got to be kidding me😡
-🅰️: Well if you don't want to hear my explanation then I'll leave it to Emily and she'll be lucky if Alison's alive
Han👠: go ahead,tell us🙄😡
-🅰️: Alison's Alive, she's well but if you don't hurry up and figure out where she could be (by the given clues) she'll be the dead girl of rosewood for a second time😈😈.. but she won't be coming back😡☺️

{em💃🏽 left the chat}

-🅰️: good luck liars and wish Mona luck too😈

{-🅰️ left the chat}

{Han👠 added em💃🏽 and Mona💄to the chat}

Aria🎨: Emily it's going to be okay we'll find her
Ezra📚: yeah she'll be okay
Caleb📲: whys Mona in the chat
Mona💄: Han called me
Caleb📲: of course she did
Han👠: umm Caleb "she" has a name and it's Hanna, your fiancé remember?
Spence☕️: awkward..
Toby🚨: thinking the same thing Spence..
Caleb📲: I'm sorry Hanna it's just why does Mona have to be included in this chat she doesn't even care if we find Alison
Em💃🏽: Caleb stop arguing to Hanna about Mona😩
Mona💄: maybe I should leave
Han👠: Mona is included in this chat because she can help us!!
Caleb📲: whatever Han
Mona💄: stop being hard on Hanna I don't care if you have something against me but at least pretend you don't!! Alison's missing anything could happen to any of us, focus on protecting your fiancé instead fighting about me!
Aria🎨:good point
Caleb📲: I'm sorry Hanna and Mona it's just I couldn't think of what would happen if something were to happen to you Hanna
Han👠: it's okay.. I love you Caleb
Caleb📲: I love you too
Spence☕️: ok ok sorry to ruin this little moment but ALISON IS STILL MISSING and Emily's at home probably crying too death
Em💃🏽: wow thanks spencer but it's true..😭😭😭
Aria🎨: well why don't we start looking around town the now seeing that we have to wait on clues
Ezra📚: yeah your right
Toby🚨: ok so why don't team spoby and ezria go together and Emily and Mona can go with haleb as search teams
Spence☕️: okay thankyou police officer Toby😂
Toby🚨: you are welcome rosewood citizen😂
Em💃🏽: okay it's settled then team 1📚🎨🚨☕️ meet at Spencer' 2💃🏽💄👠📲 meet at Halebs
Caleb📲: okay
Mona💄: hopefully I can help find her
Aria🎨: yeah let's hope we do find her

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