Spencers post & snapchat

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Spencer Hastings uploaded 2 new images.

Day out with the babes!💝

Day out with the babes!💝

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Emily fields: spencer looks just so chill in the last pic😂😂

Aria Montgomery: omg look how small I look compared to spencer in the second picture😂😂

Spencer Hastings: #sparia😂❤️@ariamontgomery

Hanna Marin: lovin these😍😂

Caleb rivers: you look really pretty in these pics @hannamarin

Emily fields: okay you two are too cute, I'm glad you too sorted everything out #haleb

Toby cavanaugh: I know right @emilyfeilds,how did you and Hanna get back together anyway? @calebrivers

Spencer Hastings: when everyone ships that one couple😂😂👌

Caleb rivers: well umm Toby we talked then we kissed and made up..

Alison dilaurentis: I think they wanna know the details😂😂@calebrivers

Hanna Marin: Caleb do you have to tell them

Caleb rivers: not if you don't want me to❤️

Mona vanderwaal: nooo I wanna hear the drama😂😂😂

Caleb rivers: shut up Mona

Toby cavanaugh:😂😂😂

Alison dilaurentis: so will we ever hear what ever happened😂😂

Hanna Marin: why does everyone wanna hear what happened between me and Caleb??🤦🏼‍♀️

Caleb rivers: they ship us babe😂

Emily fields: I ship you two more

Toby cavanaugh: no I do! @emilyfeilds

Hanna Marin: ugh I love you guys😂😂


Han👠 added caleb📲,ali👑em💃🏽,aria🎨,spence☕️toby🚨 and ezra📚 To the group chat.

Han👠: okay I'm guessing everyone wants to know how me and Caleb got back together..
Em💃🏽: yip!
Toby🚨: obviously🙄😂
Ali👑: I guess so😂😂
Spence☕️: so are one of you going to tell us?😂👌
Caleb📲: Han are you sure you want to tell them?
Han👠: yes
Aria🎨: okay now I'm starting to worry..
Ezra📚: yeah..
Han👠: during the summer Caleb went away for a week to visit his mother
Toby🚨: yes, yes go on
Spence☕️: Toby's probably got his note book out the now writing this down😂😂
Han👠: when he was away I found out something, I was upset at first then I started to feel more happier about it. But Caleb was away and I couldn't tell him but then something happened and I was even more upset
Ali👑: and that's why you cheated on him..
han👠: I was drunk and I needed someone to comfort me
Spence☕️: Hanna what actually happened that made you upset?
Caleb📲: Han you don't have to tell them if you don't want to❤️
Han👠: I want to,it's okay Caleb
Caleb📲: okay😘
Han👠: I found out i was pregnant.. but then I lost the baby 2 days before Caleb came back
Em💃🏽: oh Hanna I'm so sorry
Spence☕️: are you okay Han?
Aria🎨: i hope your okay Han
Ali👑: sorry to hear that Han
Han👠: don't worry I'm okay now girls, thankyou❤️ and thankyou Caleb for forgiving me
Caleb📲: I just feel bad I wasn't there for you
Han👠: well your here for me now, can I come over
Caleb📲: of course!❤️
Toby🚨: I have no words that I could Type right now.
Spence☕️: he's very emotional  right now😂😂lol I love you Toby❤️
Toby🚨: I love you even more spence❤️

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