Group chat

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(3 weeks later,after Emily's,aria's and Toby's post)

Han👠added caleb📲,ali👑,em💃🏽aria🎨,spence☕️,toby🚨 and ezra📚
To the group chat

Spence☕️: okay what is it this time Hanna
Han👠: rude much
Aria🎨: don't start fighting girls
Han👠: well I only wanted to talk..
Spence☕️: sorry Han I'm just busy at the moment
Ali👑: doing what?
Spence☕️: nothing
Em💃🏽: so with Toby then?
Toby🚨: yeah pretty much😂
Han👠: then I can predict where all doing "nothing"
Ezra📚: yeah I'm with aria😂
Ali👑: I'm with em
Caleb📲: I'm with Hanna shopping,"hunting" for shoes and new clothes😂😂
Ezra📚: I feel sorry for you
Han👠: why?😂
Ezra📚: because you girls don't know what it's like helping you shop for stuff
Ali👑: rude
Toby🚨: all we hear is "does this look okay on me?" "that was soo last season" "do these jeans make my butt look fat?"
Spence☕️: I'm offended😂😂
Han👠: Caleb do you have anything to say about this?
Caleb📲: no.
Ezra📚: he's lying 😂😂
Caleb📲: shut up!
Em💃🏽: ok can we change the subject before we end up scratching each other's eyes out😂😂😭
Han👠: glad to
(30 minutes later)

Spence☕️: so guys me and Toby have to tell you something..
Aria🎨: what?
Ali👑: what's up
Toby🚨: well..
Han👠: oh don't do that just tell us!😂
Em💃🏽: yeah
Spence☕️: ok ok😄
Spence☕️: I'm pregnant
Han👠: omg omg congrats! Girls we gonna be aunts😂😭
Em💃🏽: aww congrats! Happy for you both - me and Ali
Ali👑: yeah^^
Caleb📲: congrats old man
Aria🎨: congrats! From me and Ezra
Spence☕️: thanks everyone
Toby🚨: Yeah thanks, and old man really caleb😂😂
(2 hours later)
Aria🎨: so me and Ezra kinda have to tell you something too..
Spence☕️: I already know aria called me just there😄
Han👠: tell us!
Aria🎨: I'm pregnant too, I found out yesterday!
Ezra📚: yeah😄
Han👠: omg congrats from me and Caleb
Toby🚨: congrats again
Ali👑: congrats!
Em💃🏽: congratulations❤️

(-🅰️ added itself to the chat)

-🅰️: hello liars

Caleb📲: BACK OFF
Toby🚨: don't worry I'll remove 🅰️

(-🅰️ was removed from the chat)

Ezra📚: are you okay girls
Han👠: yeah.
Aria🎨: were fine

(-🅰️ added itself to the chat)

-🅰️: calm down Caleb or your Hanna will regret it
Han👠: Caleb calm down..
Spence☕️: what do you want!
-🅰️: in going to need you to calm down before I speak😈
Ali👑: fine😠
-🅰️: congrats on the pregnancy and engagement dolls😈
Toby🚨: don't call them dolls😠
-🅰️: how about puppets then? Haha😈
Caleb📲: SHUT UP😡
-🅰️: looks like Caleb wants to risk hanna's life..👿
Ezra📚: Caleb I would just calm down
-🅰️: let's just hope your children don't turn out like there lying parents hmmm?
Spence☕️: that's for us to say not you😡
-🅰️: and if Caleb doesn't calm down he'll be lucky if Hanna will make it down the Isle💍
Han👠: Caleb please calm down
-🅰️: good luck liars, till the next time. Or if I have to deal with Hanna and Caleb or anyone else 😈😈😈

(-🅰️ has left the chat)

Caleb📲: Hanna, girls are You okay??!😡
Han👠: no😭
Caleb📲: im coming home han❤️❤️❤️
Toby🚨: I'm sorry you girls had to put up with that there, are you okay?
Ali👑: me and em are fine
Spence☕️: I'm fine I guess,I'm just worried about Hanna
Ezra📚: how are u aria?
Aria🎨: same as Spence
Han👠: don't worry I'm fine girls
Caleb📲: open the door Han it's me❤️
Toby🚨: can you not knock? Joking
Han👠: not the best timing Toby😂
Toby🚨: just trying to cheer you all up😂😂😂
Spence☕️: well it worked❤️

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