~Short POV~

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Emily's POV

After I texted the group chat saying to meet me, everyone arrived five minutes later, I opened the door as I heard them knocking.
"Emily!" Hanna shouted as she gave me a big hug as well as spencer and aria.
"Your okay!" Aria said
"Yeah.. come in guys" I said sitting down making sure they closed the door
"So what happened?" Spencer asked
"Well when I arrived at the kissing rock-" I said As I got interrupted by Caleb
"Kissing rock?" Caleb said clueless
"The kissing rock was the location A.D wanted Emily to go to remember A.D said something about a rock? That was it" spencer said as we all giggled away,
"What?" Spencer asked laughing.
"Nothing" Hanna said smiling.
"So when I arrived there, there was no one in sight so I ran over to the kissing rock as fast as I could just in case someone was there.." I said taking a breathe
"So then when I was at the rock there was this package" I said showing them the closed package and putting it on the table.
"And then after I put it in my bag I heard something moving in the bushes.. so I ran back towards my car but then I saw something behind me chasing me so I kept running until I got to my car and then They/it disappeared" I said taking a breathe again
"So what happened to the call then?" Hanna asked as everyone looked at her.
"What do you mean?" I said smiling
"The call remember you said your phone didn't run out so what happened?" Hanna asked
"Oh, I'm not sure actually. The call just automatically hanged up" i said
"So what's in this package then.." Ezra asked
"Haven't opened it.." I said just as we all looked at each other then we all ripped the packaging off like a bunch of kids at Christmas.
"What is that?" Aria asked
"I don't know.." I said looking at some sort of meat or something.
"Omg it smells!" Hanna said as
Caleb,Toby and Ezra had a look at it,
"What is it?" Me and the girls asked
"It looks like pig skin? But there's a tattoo on it?" The guys said not really sure
"Yeah that's definitely tattoo ink" Toby said
"What does it say?" Me and the girls said rushing towards it,
"It says.." caleb said trying to read the ink on the pigs skin,
"Somewhere in the lost woods you will find you will get warmer, but you are very cold liars. Have a look and you may find 2 things your looking for! -A.D" the tattoo said in very small letters.

"What does that mean?" I asked
"Two things were looking for.. hmmm" spencer said thinking.
"Two things were looking for! A.D and Alison! That's the things we're looking for! And the lost woods good be the lost woods resort" Spencer said excitedly
"Good thinking babe" Toby said
As the guys started to clean the pig skin, all of our phones rang except the guys. It was a text from A.D
"This time only the four of you girls are allowed to go,better say goodbye to the guys! - A.D" we all read out, as we showed the guys.

Hey everyone, ok ok I know I said this chapter was "short" but oh well hope you enjoyed it, sorry it wasn't like my usual chapters but I did it this way so it made more sense what was happening! -Sophie

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