Mona's chat (snapchat)

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(30 minutes before the party)

Mona 💄: okay I did what you asked, the party is at hanna's and Caleb's house
🅰️: good
Mona💄: so can you tell me what this plan is and why I'm only planning what to wear to this party/gathering
🅰️: I need to gain your trust
Mona💄: what trust! I've already proved your trust when I did as you said
🅰️: true, well anyway all I had to get you to do for now was to get the liars all in the one place😈
Mona💄: and I need to know who you are
🅰️: you'll need to wait a little longer for that, oh and Mona?
Mona💄: yes?
🅰️: if I think your trying anything sneaky or try to tell the liars, you'll be off the 'A TEAM' and you can join the liars little team,either way it's more fun for me🔥😃📲
Mona 💄: okay😔
🅰️: now, get ready for the party little Mona😈

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