Emilys Phone call

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(The phone call)

Emily: hey Hanna
Hanna: did you find anything
Emily: Hanna I haven't even moved from the parking lot
Hanna: oh, I'm at the window can you see me
Emily: yes
Emily: why are you calling me anyway when I'm literally outside the house
Hanna: I don't quite know
(In background Caleb and Mona laugh)
Emily: well stay on the phone to me I'm scared
Hanna: ugh I just hate the only one of us was allowed to go
Emily: well lets hope Alison is there or the clue is more helpful
Hanna: ok, spencer and that's here now anyway so make sure I come right back
Emily: ok mum🙄 where else was I gonna go the mall?
Hanna: that's where I would go
(They both laugh)
Emily: ok I'm here
Hanna: be carful
Emily: I'm gonna go, but I'll text you if something happ-
(Emily's phone cuts out before she hangs up)
Hanna: Emily?em! Oh cmon!!
(Hanna hangs up)

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