😂Group chat😂

738 15 4

Han👠added caleb📲,ali👑,em💃🏽aria🎨,spence☕️,toby🚨 and ezra📚
To the group chat

(2 am)
Caleb📲: hey guys!?
Toby🚨: hey?😂
Em💃🏽: caleb what's up? It's 2 am in the morning!
Caleb📲: if Hanna starts talking in the chat ignore her😂😂
Ali👑: I'm fine with that.
Em💃🏽: Ali don't be mean
Ali👑: sorry..
Spence☕️: wait why do we need to ignore her?
Caleb📲: she's a bit hyper..
Toby🚨: you mean she's a bit drunk..
Ezra📚:yeah that sounds a lot like Hanna😂😂
Aria🎨: Ezra😂😂
Caleb📲: yeah what Toby said😂😂
Han👠: hey guys👠🎨💃🏽👑📚☕️🚨📲📲📲📲📲
Toby🚨: ...
Han👠: has anyone seen my phone?
Toby🚨: I'm sorry Caleb.. PAHAHAHA lmao😂😂😂
Ali👑: where umm did you last see your phone.. Han😂😂
Ali👑: wow calm down 😂😂
Spence☕️: Han what are you using the now to message us?
Toby🚨: 😂😂😂
Han👠: a phone duh 🙄
Aria🎨: would it be your phone any chance
Toby🚨: wow.
Han👠: I am sooo happy I found my phone
Ali👑: i bet you are😂
Han👠: okay guys it's Caleb I took hanna's phone because she stole mine so anything "I say" it's not me
Toby🚨: this is gonna be fun😂😂
Em💃🏽: 😂😂👌
Caleb📲:Hey I'm Caleb.
Ezra📚: nice to meet you.
Caleb📲: guess what I stole this phone it's actually Hanna
Toby🚨: WHAT? Really.. omg I would never have guest😂😂
Han👠: Caleb give me my phone back
Em💃🏽: wait what..?😂😂
Han👠: I MEAN Hanna, Han give me my phone back😂😂
Spence☕️: this is confusing even for me😂😂
Han👠: Hanna open the bedroom door now!
Han👠: don't cry.
Caleb📲: if I open the door you need to umm
Han👠: ugh what
Toby🚨: this should be interesting
Caleb📲: you need to buy me some ...chicken nuggets👌
Han👠: okay if that's what you want..😂😂
Caleb📲: if i open the door come in DONT take the phone till i say
Han👠: is it bad that I'm scared to open this door guys
Toby🚨: well I'm a bit worried that your scared of your own fiancé😂😂
Han👠: OMG OMG😂😂😂
Aria🎨: what?
Han👠: Hanna put a black hoodie on and a mask and I thought it was -A until she said " I like chicken nuggets"
Em💃🏽: I think I might ask Hanna to come out for a few drinks tomorrow night 😂😂
Han👠: HA no that's not happening
Spence☕️: I would have loved to see that😂😂
Toby🚨: pranked😂😂
Caleb📲: okay Hanna gave me the phone back
Han👠: no I didn't! Guys don't believe "Caleb"
Caleb📲: shut up Hanna! Guys it's me
Toby🚨: I believe caleb📲
Spence☕️: I don't know who to believe..😂😂
Han👠: guys she's drunk don't believe her
Caleb📲: Hanna stop it omg
Han👠: okay that's it I'm going to get that phone of her

(5 minutes later)
Aria🎨: so emison did you enjoy your date?
Em💃🏽: yeah
Ali👑: yip thanks for asking

(30 minutes later)

Caleb📲: okay I finally got my phone back and I put Hanna to bed😂😂
Ali👑: thank god for that😂😂

(8 hours later)

(10:30 am)
Han👠: morning everyone!
Em💃🏽: hello Hanna
Toby🚨: hi chicken nuggets😂
Han👠: ???
Caleb📲: doesn't matter Han never mind him😂😂
Han👠: okay babes, come back up stairs
Caleb📲: coming
Em💃🏽: so Hanna you wanna come out for a drink tonight😂😂😂
Caleb📲: NOOOOO!!!
Han👠: ???

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