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Han👠:hey Caleb?❤️
Han👠: I have to tell you something..❤️
Caleb💻:ok? Go ahead❤️😘
Han👠: A's been messaging me,but on Facebook....again
Caleb💻:oh Han
Caleb💻: I hope your okay,what's --A been saying?!❤️
Han👠: well nothing bad just trying to freak me out I guess
Caleb💻: good
Han👠: ???
Caleb💻: do you want me to try hack into the fb account??❤️❤️
Han👠: you don't have to do that caleb😚❤️
Caleb💻:but i want to,I want to try protect you and "A" Can't stop me or even you❤️😚😘
Han👠:fine but I do warn you I don't think it's possible😞😘❤️
Caleb💻: what makes you say that❤️
Han👠: cause I tried clicking on the account and it doesn't even have one??😞👿
Caleb💻: well it's worth a try!😂😘❤️
Han👠: ok,come over now?😘❤️
Caleb💻: sure omw❤️❤️❤️
Han👠: Caleb?😘
Caleb💻: yeah?😚
Han👠: I love you❤️❤️❤️
Caleb💻: I love you too Hanna marin❤️❤️❤️


Thankyou for reading this chapter hope your enjoying the convo!

Sorry my chapters are quite short!,they get longer
Comment for any ideas you would like to have in the story!


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