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"It'll be fine" Dad told me as we pulled up infront of my new high school. I saw different groups of kids milling about outside and I instantly knew which were which. I could pick out the jocks and the populars or 'Fluffy Towels' as Lance liked to call them. "I know" I said to Dad and he clapped me on the back before I got out of the car. Before he drove to work he leaned out of the window and said "Lance is picking you up today so look for his car. Have fun." "Okay" I said and watched as his green car drove away. Don't panic I told myself as I walked towards the doors. I felt people's eyes on me and I tried to sink into my VGHS hoodie and ran my hands through my light, brownish ginger hair. I leaned against the school wall and waited for the bell to ring. At least I wasn't late. I remember Lance telling me about his first day of high school; the older man had had an extremely strange high school experience. What with that being the time dad had been in that really long coma, I had been born and he had found Tobo as well. I hoped my high school life would be like that, only with less drama. I was so deep in thought that I almost didn't notice when the bell rang, I only came to my senses because I was getting shoved around by the bulky jocks. It was like salmon swimming up stream.

I looked down at my notebook and leafed through it, looking for my locker number. I searched for it once I found the number and got all the stuff I needed for my first few blocks of school. I rushed to class to get a good seat and not get trampled. I sat right in the middle row so as not appear a nerd by sitting at the front. The rest of the classes streamed in and my eyes were immediately drawn to a pretty girl with loosely curled golden blonde hair and deep blue eyes. She looked like a china doll. I was snapped out of my revery when the teacher arrived and started the class. I didn't think anymore of the china doll girl.

I left the lunch room a few minutes before the bell rang for the next half of the day. "Sorry" I said when I accidentally bumped into someone "Didn't see you there" "S'alrigt" they said and I made eye contact with them. Blue met golden-ringed green and I took in the rest of their appearance. She had long, straight, coal black hair with neon green streaks, her ears where pierced many times leading up from the lobe. She was wearing all black accept for her shoes which were neon green hightops "Sorry" she whispered and I swear she blushed before rushing off in the opposite direction. I thought nothing of it and left for class.

I had spotted a few low and high standing cement structures before I had gone in at the start of the day and knew exactly what I was going to do after the end bell. I ran outside with my rucksack thumping against back. I stood with my back facing the structures as I took off my hoodie to reveal my Next Gen Yogscast t-shirt, I dumped my hoodie on my pack after pulling on my black and blue cycling gloves "Okay" I muttered to myself as I turned to face the structures. I pulled in a deep breath and ran straight towards the first one. I jumped on top of it and leaped to the next. I pulled myself up with my hands and seemed to 'Spider-Man crawl' up the next one. I was getting a fair amount of spectators and when I reached the top I was taken aback by applause, it soon died out and I sat cross legged on the highest structure. "Oi! Tarzan!" I heard someone call and looked down to see Lance standing beside his car in the parking lot "Come down here" he said and I obliged, making sure to do a backflip as I landed on the ground "Quit showing off and get in the car" he said, smiling. A few people where staring at us and whispering behind their hands to each other, I even saw one kid pointing to Lance "Quick" Lance muttered and I slid into the passenger seat. We started to drive and Lance started to talk "We're going to the office. Your dad'll pick you up later. He just can't get away from his work at the moment". "Okay" I said quietly and we sat out the rest of the ride in silence.

I didn't like being at the office very much. There wasn't enough room to move and I didn't really want to play video games. I was usually board when I was there. After wandering around for a bit I went outside through the front doors and climbed a few walls and such. "You're very good" a voice came from below me and I looked down to the the black haired girl I had bumped into earlier at school "Thanks" I said and clambered down to where she was standing "I never go your name" I said and she smiled and said "Abigail Tiffany, but you can call me Tiff" "Okay then, Tiff" I said brightly before introducing myself "I'm Seamus." "Cool name." She said and smiled, I could have sworn she blushed again. I turned around when I heard Lance call out "Tarzan! You're leaving now" "Coming!" I called back than turned back to Tiff. "That your dad?" She asked and I shook my head "Just Lance" I said and we exchanged farewells before I raced into the building and met up with Dad.

"How was first day?" Mum asked me once Dad and I had walked into the house "Fine" I said dully "Make any friends?" She said "Not really" I said and chucked my bag in my room before walking back downstairs and sliding on my socks into the living room and plopping onto the couch next to Dad. "What do you mean by 'Not really'?" He asked me "I talked one person. She goes to my school but I didn't talk to her at school." I said quickly and there was not further mention of the subject. "Where's Ollie?" I inquired about my 12 year old sister, Olivia. "Out with friends. She won't be back for dinner, sadly." Dad joked at the end because of how many times I had complained about her presence. Dinner was pretty quiet and I raced off to my room when it was done. I sunk into the warm blankets and pillows and rubbed my eyes. I looked up at the ceiling which was plastered with photos of my life; my fist days of school, my first trip, going places with Lance and the others, a few baby pictures. It wasn't the most eventful life in the world. But it was mine and I liked it. It was the life of Seamus Sykes.

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