Chapter 10 - Little Red Falling Hood

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Chapter 10

Little Red Falling Hood

"What were you thinkin'?!" Cap yelled angrily at me after school on Friday, "Goin' to the police station in plain view!" "It's not like they knew who I was." I defended and Cap exchanged glanced with the twins before turning back to me. "I think" he said "you have to prove that you're still with us. That you won't go off being cyfaill buddy with a copper." Cap said "How do I go about doing that?" I asked "You have to do a solo mission. Without our help." He said and I had a momentary feeling of fright, I'd only ever done still with the gang, a alone mission might not end well, but I answered anyway, "Right, okay. When and where?" I asked and he smiled, clearly pleased with the answer. He started explain the plan to me.

In half an hour I was above the storage room of the Apple Store once again. Cap said that his girlfriend needed a new phone. I dropped myself down quietly into the room and quickly shoved a phone into my bag. I was about to leave when I had a thought, if Cap got something out of this why couldn't I? I snatched up a iPod touch and nestled it next to the phone before pulling myself out and racing into the roof. I had been meaning to get Tiff a gift anyway.

I gave the phone to Cap and he smiled and said I had proved my worth, not like I already hadn't before. I muttered angry words at Cap and basically sulked my way home, doing a few flips off the sides of buildings to get some of my anger out. I was halfway he when I passed a high cement wall and heard a noise of unbalance, "Whoa!" The person said and I saw a person begin to fall off the wall. I was a few feet away and flew into action, literally. I pushed off of a low standing structure and jumped through the air like Superman, I outstretched my arms and caught the person in mid-air before landing on my feet and wobbling ever so slightly. "You okay?" I asked the person as I set them down and they breathed deeply. I saw that she was a girl with unnaturally dyed red hair pulled back into a high pony tail and green eyes, she was thin and small, it was then when I realized she went to my school. "Yeah, yeah" she said quietly "I think I'm fine." She looked up at me then froze. "I'm Seamus." I said, trying to be nice. "Yeah, I know. You're friends with Radar." She said and shoved her hands into her hoodies pocket "Yeah. I am." I said and asked her the question that I wanted the answer to "What were you doing up there anyway?" I asked and we started to walk down the street. "Just thinking." She said "Just lost my balance is all." "Right." I said and we fell into silence.

"Well, this is my house." She said and smiled while pointing at the house. "Oh cool." I said and smiled "It was nice meeting you...I'm sorry I don't know your name." "It's Red. I'm Red." She said and smiled again. "Red." I said "That's a lovely name. It was a pleasure meeting you." I turned and started walking back down the street. "Thanks for saving my life, Tarzan." Red said before shutting the door. "Hold on, how do you know..." I turned around but didn't finish my question when I saw the door just closing. "How?" I muttered and walked home. Little Red Falling Hood was a mystery and I always love a good mystery.

Red is NerdyGirl547's character, she won the contest. Anyways, I hope you liked the chapter.

'Cyfaill buddy' means 'Buddy, buddy' in Welsh. 'Cause Captain's Welsh so he speaks Welsh. Just for anyone who cares.

I'm always open to feedback and suggestions :)

- Jo

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